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Gilmore Girls: Why Paris & Doyle Were The Best Couple In The Series (& 5 Why They Were The Worst)

In the fifth season of Gilmore Girls, Paris was healing from the death of her secret boyfriend, Asher, and was trying to put herself back on the market. Thanks to her strong personality and disdain for most things, she thought speed dating was the quickest way to meet someone without wasting her time. It was there that she got to know Doyle, her editor at the Yale Daily News better.

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The two spent the night together and were soon attached at the hip. But as always the case with Paris, her hot and cold moments were a lot for a relationship and they almost didn't make it out of Yale. The series ended with Doyle and Paris planning their future together and fans got an inside look at that life in the reboot, A Year in the Life. But as charming as the couple was, they definitely had their dramatic moments.

10 Best: They Choreographed A Hip Hop Dance

In "Knit, People, Knit," it's Lucy's birthday party and she's hosting a 2002-themed birthday bash. Music from that era would be played and people were encouraged to dress as they did at that time. A 2002-themed birthday party doesn't seem like a party that Doyle and Paris attend, but they happily joined with some iconic dance moves. The two were practicing choreography to show off at the party, and they sure did pull it off. They were completely in sync and hilarious without trying to be.

9 Worst: They Went Their Separate Ways

Was there anything more devastating for #TeamParis fans when they found out she and Doyle were going their separate ways after two kids and building a life together?

RELATED: Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life: 10 Things That Still Don't Add Up

In A Year in the Life, Paris noted that Doyle became a screenwriter and was traveling more than he was home. With two busy schedules and kids to provide for, Pairs and Doyle figured they should split. Their shippers were universally hurt by this decision but perhaps it was for the best.

8 Best: He Would Go Anywhere In The World For Her

Doyle was a year old than Paris. They were both working at the Yale Daily News but had different career paths. Paris wanted to go to law or medical school and wasn't sure if Doyle would fit into her life. She had plenty more years of hard work and dedication ahead of her and wasn't sure if being with one person during that time made sense.

Doyle agreed that the two should split at first but quickly changed his mind. He told Paris that he would follow her wherever she went to school and would find work wherever he could. It was a sweet moment for the couple because as Doyle was denying the breakup, Paris looked relieved at what he was telling her.

7 Worst: The Constant Bickering

One could say that bickering is Doyle and Paris's form of communication. They're both wildly independent people who somehow gel nicely together. However, they definitely have their moments when they both infuriate each other.

RELATED: Gilmore Girls: 10 Saddest Things About Paris

There's one scene where Doyle and Paris are bickering over her choice of pen. Doyle believes Paris took his pen but she claims she got it from "the pen fairy." It's small moments like these that can chip away at a couple's sanity and erupt into something greater.

6 Best: She Took Care Of Him Despite Their Argument

In "But I'm A Gilmore," Paris spends the weekend in Stars Hollow with Rory to get over Doyle. She even gave Rory her cell phone so she wouldn't call him. But when Paris got back to her dorm room, her anger for Doyle vanished when she saw him lying in her bed. As it turns out, Doyle got sick and didn't know where else to go.

Paris hated sick people — despite being pre-med — but she did what she had to do to prove that she cared for his wellbeing: she called Nanny. Nanny showed up at Yale and took care of Doyle in record time. By doing this, it proved how much Paris loved him.

5 Worst: They're Both Hot-Headed

Paris is a very passionate person who doesn't mind ruffling a few feathers if it means she gets her way. Because of her strong personality, she seems to inspire an aggressive side in Doyle that's hard to shake. They bring out the same competitive energy in each other that Rory and Paris have.

In "Bridesmaids Revisited," Doyle told Rory that Paris threw him out of the apartment over a disagreement on an article of hers for the paper. If that's what happens when the two argue over work, imagine how bad it gets over larger situations.

4 Best: He's The Only Man Not Afraid Of Her

Paris can kick and scream, run to her arts and crafts table, and curse at Doyle all she wants, but Doyle's not phased. He seems to admire Paris' authenticity and doesn't take her threats too seriously. If anything, her powerful personality makes Doyle feel alive. She's that one exciting thing that he can't control.

3 Worst: He Drunkenly Kissed Rory

When Rory has issues with Logan, and Doyle has issues with Paris, the two friends find themselves drunk at the same bar. They start venting about the issues in their relationships while drinking away their troubles. Eventually, the two get so drunk that they have no choice but to go home.

At the end of the night, Doyle and Rory hug goodbye, and Doyle kisses Rory's neck. Doyle is shocked and embarrassed about what he did and runs away. The two never brought it up again but if Paris found out, she would have kicked them both to the curb.

2 Best: They Tried Different Activities Together

It wasn't just their educational goals that brought Paris and Doyle together; it was their desire to learn new things as a couple. The two got into yoga as a joke but realized how much they liked it. Lorelai walked in on them enjoying a yoga practice with soft music and candles. It seemed very unlike the couple but it was cute to see them try something new. They also experimented with Krav Maga as a form of self-defense when they moved into a shady neighborhood.

1 Worst: Paris Didn't Support Doyle's Career

Some think that Doyle and Paris chose to separate in the reboot because Paris didn't support Doyle's career. It could be argued this was unfair considering Doyle traveled with Paris through medical school and put his dreams on hold to be in a relationship with her that didn't include long-distance.

She hated the fact that he was a screenwriter and made fun of him for it. There probably came a time where Doyle felt like their relationship was one-sided and her remarks on his passion became toxic. If there's a sequel to the reboot, it'll be interesting to see where Doyle and Paris find themselves.

NEXT: Gilmore Girls - A Year In The Life: 10 Most Romantic Quotes

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