Big Brother: 10 Things The Show Could Borrow From Survivor
There are plenty of great reality shows on TV nowadays, but very few are able to touch the quality and legacy of two titans, Big Brother and Survivor.
The two shows have been on for years and are absolutely adored by their fanbases. And the two have quite a bit in common, even sharing cast members from time to time. However, what if they borrowed more from one another? Specifically, what if Big Brother took a few additional cues from Survivor to switch things up for a season or two?
10 The Entire Casting Process
If there's one thing that Survivor has over Big Brother, it is without a doubt the casting. Survivor is superior to Big Brother because it casts more diverse and interesting groups of people season after season. People from different backgrounds, classes, races, and age groups. Perhaps this change is on the way already due to the fact that a new casting director is taking over Big Brother 23.
9 A Reduction In Length
Big Brother tends to take place over the course of an entire summer, around 3 months or so. Maybe shortening things up would make the season roll a bit better. Survivor takes place over the course of 30 days, and while Big Brother doesn't need to take it that far, maybe cutting off 2-3 weeks could make for a better season that doesn't wear viewers out by the time the end of the season is reached.
8 Starting Off In Teams
Survivor is known for starting off in teams of two before eventually turning into an individual game. Maybe as a twist, Big Brother could try this out.
It doesn't have to be permanent by any means, but a season that starts things out with a house divided could really switch up how the houseguests engage with the game, and could maybe spawn smaller alliances than the mega ones that have tended to form in recent seasons.
7 Twists That Affect The Whole Season
As of late, Big Brother has adopted a strategy of having twists that affect the season for a few weeks at most before they're phased out and the season returns to normal. Survivor twists, on the other hand, tend to affect the game for an entire season, such as Fire Tokens. Perhaps Big Brother could try this on and work with twists that permanently impact the game. It would certainly be a nice change.
6 A Season Of Winners
Winners at War was one of the most interesting seasons of Survivor in a long time. Compare that to the recent all-stars season of Big Brother that was basically abysmal. An all winners season could be exactly what is needed to rejuvenate Big Brother and see it return to the show that fans know it can be. A cast of winners would surely bring their a-game to the season, which is never a bad thing.
5 Hidden Immunity Influences
Hidden immunity idols are a mainstay on Survivor that, if found, protect the user from going home if they have the majority of the votes during that tribal council. When they're played, they always make a big splash that is fun to watch.
Big Brother could easily implement something similar in the form of safety that can be found hidden in the house. It would likely have to be more puzzle-oriented in a small house, but the concept could very easily work, and could lead to plenty of surprise eliminations that no one saw coming. The more blindsides, the better it is for viewers.
4 No Nominees
An even bigger blindside could come from there being no nominees come eviction night, but rather the entire house being at risk of going home. This could really change the identity of the game if used properly, even if only introduced for a few weeks as part of a twist. Perhaps it could become the new normal if it went over well enough with fans. Or, it could simply just be a one-season twist.
3 No HOH
Another twist for the game would be if there wasn't an HOH at all to choose the nominees. Instead, there could be the Power of Veto and maybe one other form of power, but that's it. Beyond that, there's no person in power for the week, and everyone is a possibility to be sent home come Thursday. Once again, this would be a massive shakeup, but it could really reset how viewers think of Big Brother in either a good way or a bad one.
2 The Edge Of Extinction
The Edge of Extinction has been used a few times in Survivor, and it is a very desolate place for players to go when they've been eliminated, where, if they make it through, they have a possibility to re-enter the game. If this were used in Big Brother as some sort of a second house that evictees could go to, it could be a super interesting twist.
1 More Crossovers
Survivor has been a lot more open to crossover with CBS shows than Big Brother has. Besides two Amazing Race players entering the Big Brother house, there hasn't been a lot of overlap with other CBS shows. Multiple Big Brother houseguests have tried their hand at Survivor, so why can't the opposite be true, as well?
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