Grey’s Anatomy: Arizona’s 10 Most Emotional Quotes, Ranked
Arizona Robbins had a peripheral storyline in the hit ABC medical drama Grey's Anatomy but went on to become one of the central characters, romantically involved with another beloved character, Callie Torres.
Arizona had what one would call a sunny personality, perfectly apt for her line of work, which involved dealing with sick children day in and day out. She was positive, hopeful, and optimistic. However, this soon changed after the plane crash when she experienced severe trauma and PTSD. After that moment, Arizona was seen to become more reflective and objective towards life and her friends, sometimes offering some sage wisdom or speeches that resonated deeply with fans.
10 No Matter How Hard I Tried To Make Him Better, He’s Still A Horrible Person. So Now I Keep Wondering, Why This Would Happen To Someone Like Me Instead Of Someone Like You.

When Arizona uttered these lines to Alex Karev, her left leg ran the risk of being amputated. Not only was she going through intense pain and trauma at the time, but she was also extremely bitter towards Alex, who was originally meant to have gone to Boise instead of Arizona.
Of course, the journey resulted in the kind of tragedy no one should ever have to face. So when Alex came in to apologize to her, she reacted intensely and uncharacteristically. The mere fact that Arizona, who was usually sweet, and bubbling with life, could be so dark and resentful - although perhaps justified given the circumstances - took the fans by surprise.
9 Say It Again. It’s Not A Decision I Should Be Making For You! As Opposed To Hacking Off A Limb. That’s The Kind Of Decision I Should Make For You.

After Callie gave Alex the green light to amputate Arizona’s leg, the latter became further embittered and her relationship with Callie hit rocky terrain.
In fact, Arizona could never really forgive Callie for making such a major decision when she asked her not to. The audience was deeply moved at the obvious pain and anger reflected in this quote.
8 Do I Look Okay? I’m Sitting In A Pool Of My Own Urine.

Arizona struggled to get used to her new life after the amputation. Her trauma, coupled with depression, anger, and bitterness, made her a different person for a while as she tried to come to terms with her new reality.
For instance, she tried to do the little things on her own, like go to the toilet. However, she found that she was unable to, which led to Callie finding her sitting in a pool of her own urine. The scene where these two bright and vivacious people have an emotional breakdown as they are left reeling as a result of the tragedy is intense indeed.
7 I Cheated On My Wife With That Woman Out There And I’m A Horrible Person. I’m Horrible.

Arizona‘s relationship with Callie begins to deteriorate after the plane crash. Although they stick together for a while, eventually Arizona acts out, as she is still struggling with her bitterness against Callie.
Arizona ends up cheating on Callie with Lauren Boswell in the season 9 finale, “Perfect Storm.” This sudden twist in the arc did astonish fans but this is where the show shines, bringing out the flaws in every individual, making them flesh and blood.
6 You Weren’t On That Freaking Plane.

Arizona and Callie have a showdown after months of avoiding the obvious tension between them. The showdown comes after Callie finds out that Arizona had been intimate with Dr. Boswell.
When Callie asks why she is quick to realize it is because of the amputation. Arizona reminds Callie that she had never been on the plane that crashed, to begin with, so however much she had been through, couldn’t come close to what the victims of the crash had faced. Not only is this is one of the most intensely emotional moments in the Callie-Arizona storyline, but it also shows how much resentment Arizona has over Callie's decision to amputate her leg.
5 I Chose Motherhood. And It Was The Best Choice I Ever Made.

Arizona and Callie had a custody battle over their little girl, Sophia, in season 12, a battle which led to Callie having to give her daughter up.
During the court proceeding, Callie’s advocate callously suggested that Sophia was not related to Arizona by blood, thus implying that Callie had more right to be with her. Arizona then made a powerful stand, telling the court that adoptive parents were as entitled to parenthood as birth parents. The quote was replete with deep love and strikes a chord with anyone who believes that blood isn't the only thing that makes a family.
4 She’ll Be Healthy And Safe...Because We Are Her Mothers. But There Is A Child In The Hospital Who Will Not Survive Unless I’m There. So I Have To...I Have To Go.

Arizona Robbins was a strong, empowered woman and an accomplished surgeon. Unfortunately, her success as a surgeon was used against her in court to prove that she couldn’t give her daughter enough time, and hence should not be given custody.
At this time, in one of those deeply moving moments for which Grey’s is famous, she received an emergency call from the hospital. She walked out, telling the court that, as much as it hurt her to admit, her own child would be okay - even if she wasn’t with her. But, at this moment, there was a mother and baby in the hospital who needed her more right now. Her conviction, maturity, and the strength it took to sacrifice her right to Sophia, was what won her the custody battle.
3 I Just...I Need A Minute To Miss My Brother.

Arizona’s brother, Timothy, had been killed in battle and this was a wound that never really healed for her or her family.
In “White Wedding,” even as her Callie’s wedding seems to fall apart, Mark Sloan comes in to find Arizona crying. She is missing her brother deeply and is acutely aware of his absence as her own dreams seem to be coming true. The moment she says she misses him before hugging Mark, who was now for all intents and purposes like a brother to her, resonates profoundly with fans.
2 I’m A Good Man In A Storm.

As many fans know, Arizona made it clear to all that she was never one for confrontations - especially with authority figures. However, in season 6, she had no qualms about taking on the Torres patriarch after he was seen to upset Callie greatly.
She gave a beautiful speech to Callie’s dad, who had been grappling with the latter’s newfound sexuality. She told him that she had been raised to be "a good man in a storm," implying that she would love and protect his daughter no matter what. A lovely quote, with no melodrama but leaving one humbled and moved - summing up Arizona's personality perfectly.
1 Not Unless You Want To Make Me Cry.

This was Arizona’s emotional response to Alex Karev thanking her for all she had done for him, right before his wedding in the season 14 finale. This was also the final episode that Jessica Capshaw appeared as Arizona Robbins.
Alex and Arizona had always had a connection, as the former had supported Alex and seen him turn into an excellent peds surgeon. Despite Arizona’s bitterness with Alex after the plane crash, the two had always had a bond. So, it’s apt that they should share an emotional moment before Arizona left Seattle for good.
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