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King in Black's God of Light: The Enigma Force Explained

King in Black has finally revealed the true identity of the "God of Light" that stands in opposition to Knull - the Enigma Force. Marvel's King in Black has seen a monstrous force from the dawn of time unleashed upon the Earth - Knull, the god of darkness itself. Implacably opposed to light and life, Knull ruled the cosmos in the days when the universe was young, and the few civilizations that developed were rightly afraid of the dark. Knull was powerful enough to forge All-Black the Necrosword, a weapon that can even slay a Celestial, and symbiotes like Venom were crafted from his darkness as extensions of his will.

But King in Black has revealed there is a force that is equal and opposite to Knull - and the Silver Surfer has become its herald. "For every darkness, there is a light," the Silver Surfer reflects. "An opposite. An equal. There is another. An opposite of Knull. A God of Light." According to the Silver Surfer, all the powers that have to date managed to harm even Knull - like the might of All-Father Thor or the son of Eddie Brock, Dylan - are tied to this greater being. Finally, King in Black #4 has revealed this so-called "God of Light" is in fact... the Enigma Force.

Related: The Wu-Tang Clan Just Entered The Fight Against Marvel's King In Black

As hinted at in King in Black #4, the greatest scientists of Earth - including Reed Richards himself - have long attempted to unravel the mysteries of the Enigma Force. Although referred to as a "force," it has always appeared to have a sense of consciousness, and it interferes with human lives at times when they are faced with great choices. It does so in the form of what is called the Uni-Power, transforming a host into Captain Universe. The Enigma Force's idea of a priority situation can be very different to most people's, though; it is as likely to help a child resist a bully as it is to empower the Juggernaut to repair the Earth's fracturing tectonic plates. Many superheroes have been bonded with the Enigma Force at one time or another, including the likes of Spider-Man, the Invisible Woman, and the Silver Surfer. Curiously enough, its preferred host appears to be the X-Men's X-23.

Now, at last, the true history of the Enigma Force has been revealed. Like Knull, it dates back to the beginning of the universe itself, but it is the yin to Knull's yang, a force of light and life. King in Black #4 reveals the ancient Enigma Force fought implacably in battle against Knull, but neither was truly able to defeat the other. And so the Enigma Force transformed itself, evolving from a god to a symbiote, an Other who would bond with champions and transform them into beings who would stand against the dark.

This has always been the Enigma Force's role, and it has gone to great lengths to achieve it, even creating the Microverse itself as a hiding place from agents of darkness. And now it has come to Earth for what may well be its final confrontation with Knull, bonding with Eddie Brock himself to battle the King in Black. It's going to be exciting to see how that experience changes the Enigma Force - and Venom himself.

More: King in Black's Army is Being Decimated by Marvel's Version of Godzilla

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