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Sex And The City: 5 Times Miranda Was A Good Friend (& 5 She Was Awful)

The hotshot lawyer Miranda Hobbes in Sex and the City can be described as neurotic, harsh, and cynical, but she was also refreshingly blunt and whip-smart. Each fan of the show will have a different interpretation of the redhead's actions across the series and how she changed over the years.

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From snapping at her friends and deriding their relationships to making mean jokes, Miranda was opinionated. The upcoming revival entitled And Just Like That... will reveal where Miranda stands with Carrie and Charlotte nearly more than a decade after the show's conclusion, but given the number of times she proved to be a fantastic friend, it seems likely that they're doing just fine.

10 Good Friend: Holding Carrie's Hair When She Was Sick

In the Season 2 episode "Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women," the foursome rented a house in the Hamptons and spends some of New York's infamously hot summer in the wealthy beachside community. But Carrie was shocked to run into Big for the first time since his trip to Paris, and even more shocked to meet his new 25-year-old fiancée Natasha.

Miranda was right by Carrie's side the entire time, comforting her friend and, in a classic move, holding Carrie's hair as the latter threw up on the sand from the stress of the situation.

9 Awful: Picking Out An Ugly Wedding Ring For Carrie

In the engagement-themed episode "Just Say Yes" Carrie struggled to manage her anxiety when, unbeknownst to Aidan, she discovered the ring he was planning to propose to her with amid his things. When she admitted as much to her friends, Miranda revealed that she was the one who helped Aidan pick out the garish piece of jewelry.

Although it was sweet of Miranda to assist Aidan, perhaps she should have referred him to another friend with more of Carrie's sensibility, considering her selection (partly) drove Carrie to vomit.

8 Good Friend: Accompanying Steve To The Doctor

In Season 4, Steve tells Miranda that he has testicular cancer, a revelation that produces a memorably distraught reaction from her This news leads to the couple developing an unlikely friendship, and Miranda proves to be a valuable support system for Steve during his trial.

RELATED: Sex And The City: 10 Episodes To Watch If You Miss Miranda & Steve

In "Belles of the Balls," she even accompanies him to an appointment to discuss testicular prosthesis and reassures him that the medical hiccup won't affect his attractiveness to women.

7 Awful: Making Light Of Charlotte's Infertility

Miranda was beloved by her friends for cracking jokes no matter the occasion, but sometimes they could come at her friends' expense. Season 4 chronicles Charlotte's struggle with infertility; it's a situation that the straight-laced housewife perceived as particularly unfair when Miranda unintentionally conceived later in the season.

In "The Real Me," Charlotte disclosed to Carrie and Miranda that she'd seen a gynecologist and had been diagnosed with a dubious case of vaginal depression. Miranda jokingly asked if Charlotte knew as much because it wanted to go to Krispy Kreme, and even offered to buy her "hmm-hmm" fries in front of the waitress.

6 Good Friend: Following Charlotte Home

Although Charlotte's desire for a stable married life with children always put her at odds with the much less traditional Miranda, the latter proved to be a supportive friend in Charlotte's time of need.

When the pair ran into each other in "Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda" after Charlotte discovered she had a low chance of conceiving, Charlotte was understandably devastated and wanted to be left alone. But Miranda followed her all the way home on foot at a respectful distance in a moving show of support and solidarity.

5 Awful: Judging Charlotte For Quitting Her Job

In the Season 4 episode "Time and Punishment," Charlotte resolved to quit her job to focus on being a homemaker and aspiring mother full-time. Yet when she felt that Miranda was judging her life decision, she called her fiery friend up and confronted her about it.

Even when Charlotte begged for Miranda to get behind her choice, the stubborn lawyer refused and accused Charlotte of being insecure about her new domestic life. It was a shame that Miranda couldn't humor her friend and affirm her right to structure her life in any way she liked.

4 Good Friend: Warning Carrie Not To Go To Paris

In the third-to-last episode of the series "Splat!," Carrie has decided to take up Aleksandr Petrovsky on his invitation to move to Paris, but her friends were a bit skeptical after meeting the pretentious artist.

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Miranda finally brings up her reservations about the move directly to her best friend, pointing out that the latter loves New York and shouldn't be so quick to sacrifice a successful and fulfilling career for a relatively new love. Carrie won't hear it but ends up eating her words in the series finale.

3 Awful: Snapping At The Girls For Talking About Their Relationships

In the second-season premiere "Take Me Out to the Ball Game," Miranda memorably lost it at her friends when Carrie wouldn't stop discussing her ostensible revenge date against Big with a member of the New York Yankees.

Accusing her three closest friends of only talking about men, Miranda bemoaned the lack of intelligent conversation amongst the group. Although her frustration was understandable, it came off as hypocritical considering how neurotic Miranda could and would be about her own relationships.

2 Good Friend: Supporting Samantha At Her Own Wedding

On the way to Miranda and Steve's wedding in Season 6, Samantha revealed her breast cancer diagnosis to Carrie, but wanted to keep the information between them on Miranda's big day. But when Miranda sensed something was wrong at the reception, she insisted on being told and the women banded together to support Samantha.

On the one day that could have (very justifiably) been all about her, the newlywed proved her selflessness.

1 Awful: Being Way Too Harsh About Carrie And Big

Miranda often spoke her mind, and though there were many instances where she was justified in trying to talk some sense into her friends; her delivery could often be inexcusably harsh. In the Season 3 episode "Cock-A-Doodle-Do!" Miranda eviscerated Carrie in public when the latter revealed she had plans with her ex Big.

Although Miranda was justified in expressing concern for Carrie's treatment in that relationship, she called Carrie a "pathetic, needy, insecure victim" when it came to Big; denigrating like that understandably hurt Carrie's feelings.

NEXT: Sex And The City: 5 Times The Show Was Sex Positive (& 5 It Wasn't)

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