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Star Wars: The 3 Greatest Moments From Each Sequel Movie

Due to the lack of a real narrative roadmap and the inclusion of different filmmakers’ contradictory creative directions, the Star Wars sequel trilogy doesn’t quite hold up as a three-part story as well as its two predecessors, which each set out to tell a specific hero’s journey and stuck the landing (one more successfully than the other).

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But despite the trilogy’s inconsistencies, there’s still a lot to enjoy in each movie. The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker all have a handful of great moments that come close to recapturing the magic of classic Star Wars.

9 The Force Awakens: The Falcon Takes Flight

As the First Order bears down on Rey and Finn and they desperately need to escape from Jakku, Finn points to one ship that Rey dismisses as “garbage.” When the ship Rey wanted is destroyed, she quips, “The garbage will do,” and the camera pans over to see a very familiar bucket of bolts: the Millennium Falcon.

Rey flies the Falcon through the downed wreckage of a Star Destroyer while Finn shoots at the TIE fighters on their tail in one of the sequel trilogy’s most thrilling airborne sequences.

8 The Last Jedi: Yoda’s Force Ghost

It’s genuinely impressive that the Star Wars powers that be managed to keep Yoda’s appearance in The Last Jedi a secret from the fanbase. Frank Oz was disguised on his way to and from the set in order to preserve the surprise.

Yoda’s Force ghost appears at a crucial time to tell Luke not to worry so much about the history of the Jedi and to look forward to what Rey can do for the galaxy and how he can help her.

7 The Rise Of Skywalker: Babu Frik

When Poe took C-3PO to his old spice-running crew to be reprogrammed, Star Wars fans were introduced to the most adorable droid re-wirer in the galaxy: Babu Frik.

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Babu made such an impression on Steven Spielberg that he asked J.J. Abrams about his fate, prompting Abrams to include a shot confirming Babu’s survival in the final battle.

6 The Force Awakens: “Chewie, We’re Home.”

After Rey steals the Falcon from Unkar Plutt, a tractor beam returns it to its rightful owner. Han Solo and Chewbacca board the ship and the former simply tells the latter, “Chewie, we’re home.”

This moment might have just been included for nostalgic purposes, but at least it hits the target. Seeing Han and Chewie back onboard the Falcon was a joy for millions of fans.

5 The Last Jedi: The Throne Room Duel

When Supreme Leader Snoke brings both Rey and Kylo Ren to his throne room, he suspends the former in the air with the Force and commands the latter to strike her down. However, he double-crosses his master and instead cuts him in half.

Then, Rey and Kylo Ren briefly unite to take on Snoke’s Elite Praetorian Guard. The fight choreography isn’t perfect, but the visuals are spectacular and it has that awesome moment when Kylo ignites a lightsaber into a guy’s face.

4 The Rise Of Skywalker: Flashback To Leia’s Training

The original trilogy hinted at Leia’s Force sensitivity and Luke set out to rebuild the Jedi Order after the Battle of Endor, so it would’ve made sense for Leia to be a Jedi in the sequel trilogy.

Ultimately, the movies didn’t go with that angle, but The Rise of Skywalker gave a tantalizing taste of what could’ve been with a flashback sequence showing Leia’s early training. Leia was played by Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd with a CGI makeover and it’s pretty flawless.

3 The Force Awakens: Finn And Poe’s Reunion

It’s a shame that the sequel trilogy didn’t follow up on what seemed to be a budding romance between Finn and Poe in The Force Awakens. After being separated in a TIE fighter crash, they reunite at the Resistance base.

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Poe notices that Finn is still wearing his jacket from the TIE fighter wreck and when Finn goes to give it back, Poe says, “Keep it. It suits you.”

2 The Last Jedi: Luke’s Sacrifice

When Rey suggests that Luke help out the Resistance at the beginning of The Last Jedi, he scoffs, “What, I’m gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?” But at the end of the movie, on Crait, that’s exactly what he does.

Kylo Ren fires all his empire’s weapons at Luke and he emerges without a scratch, so Kylo goes down to the ground to fight him and discovers that he’s a Force projection when it’s too late to stop the Resistance from escaping. “See ya ‘round, kid.”

1 The Rise Of Skywalker: “But There Are More Of Us, Poe.”

When the Resistance’s own dwindling navy isn’t enough to take on the Final Order, Lando and Chewie head out into the galaxy to find regular citizens who’d be willing to help out in the final battle.

Just when Poe has given up hope and is ready to concede to the bad guys because there are too many of them, Lando tells him, “But there are more of us, Poe.” John Williams’ unforgettable Star Wars theme kicks in as the cavalry arrives.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Ways The Sequel Trilogy Squandered Luke, Leia & Han

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