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Star Wars: Is Rey More Powerful Than Luke & Anakin Skywalker?

Rey displays remarkable powers with restricted training in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and the extent of her powers raises an important question: could she be more powerful than Anakin and Luke Skywalker? Rey’s path as a budding Jedi is fascinating to watch. By the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey has defeated her Sith lord grandfather Palpatine, and crafted her very own yellow lightsaber from her old staff. As she discovers her powers and learns to harness them, it’s impossible for the viewers not to compare her to Anakin and Luke Skywalker, the other two Jedi who they’ve seen grow into their power on-screen.

Rey receives very limited training; she’s seen training her Force powers with Luke in The Last Jedi, as well as more complex combat training with Leia in The Rise of Skywalker. Luke likewise received limited training in the original trilogy, first with Obi-Wan Kenobi and then with Yoda, but clearly evolved since then to become a full-fledged Jedi. Meanwhile, Anakin is the only one with substantial training; he was recruited as a child and trained as a padawan in the Jedi Order in a more traditional way, as shown in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Admittedly, Rey skills couldn’t possibly be as developed as Anakin’s or Luke’s. Nevertheless, considering how fast of a learner she is, and how unique the powers she possesses are, it's not a stretch to say that Rey could be a more powerful Jedi than Anakin and Luke Skywalker.

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What sets Rey apart is her mindset. She’s not as headstrong or prone to anger as the Skywalkers are, making her a much faster learner. For example, in The Force Awakens, she’s able to mimic Kylo Ren’s mind probe power as he’s torturing her, and she turns it against him without any training. Not long after, she’s able to successfully use the Jedi mind trick to convince the guard to release her so she can escape. This ease of power-sharing is explained in The Rise of Skywalker when it's revealed that Rey and Kylo are a Force dyad, which means they are one in the Force. It explains not only their connection but the speed at which she can learn new powers. She can tap into Kylo Ren's knowledge and power, and the fact that she can wield them so rapidly is a hint at how powerful she can grow to be in the future.

Rey displays other very unique Force powers from both the light and dark side. For example, The Star Wars Book reveals that, when she is called to Anakin’s lightsaber in The Force AwakensRey's Force visions are actually psychometry. That power is first seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars—it lets a Jedi experience moments from the past by touching objects. She also displays healing powers in The Rise of Skywalker, healing a serpent as well as Ben Solo, as well as Force lightning, a signature power of her grandfather Palpatine.

Ultimately, the Force dyad that links Rey and Kylo Ren makes Rey the most powerful Jedi between her and the Skywalkers. A Force dyad is described as being more powerful than life itself, striking a perfect balance between the light and dark side. It lets Rey use a multitude of unique powers as well as learn new ones seemingly instantaneously through her bond with Kylo. Since a Force dyad transcends time and space, Rey will most likely keep the bond with Ben Solo even after his passing away at the end of The Rise of Skywalker. If her impressive rise to power in the Star Wars sequel trilogy is any indication, she has a very bright and powerful Jedi future ahead of her.

Next: Every Character Who Is A Skywalker (By Rise of Skywalker's Definition)

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