10 Reasons To Replay The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim In 2021
As astonishing as it is to think about things like this, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year. Since 2011, Bethesda's open-world fantasy RPG has been released on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and even VR—as if the game weren't immersive enough already.
Still, ten years is a long time in videogames, and many other great open-world titles have appeared in that time, such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Cyberpunk 2077. What makes Skyrim special enough to go back to in 2021, even with all the great alternatives to choose from?
10 Graphic Mods Bring Tamriel Up To Date

If there's one massive problem with Skyrim in 2021, it's that the game's now two generations out of date, and it's really starting to show its age when it comes to visuals. While it still generally looks good thanks to how stylish it all is, the textures are dull, models are stiff and awkward, and the effects are basic.
It's good then that there are a wide range of mods for the PC version of Skyrim that clean up all these issues and leave the game looking like it came out last year. HD texture packs, ENB lighting effects, post-processing tweaks, and more realistic weather, water, and plants—it's all here, and it's all fan-made.
9 True Open-World Fantasy

There have been many open-world games since the release of Skyrim in 2011, but none of them offer the same true open-world fantasy RPG experience that Elder Scrolls V does. The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition, for example, offer a split map that the player has to automatically travel between. Barring expansions, Skyrim is one map, one world to explore, and players can walk across all of it. In the realm of fantasy RPGs, there's none that does an actual open world better than Skyrim.
8 Impossible Amounts Of Freedom

The one thing Skyrim does better than any other game is the level of freedom it offers. After a short cutscene, players are put on the open-world map and find they are free to go wherever they like, with no restrictions, and that is intoxicating. It's not just the areas the player can visit or the ability to explore, it's complete freedom to do anything at all. It's basically Grand Theft Auto with dragons.
Steal a loaf of bread in front of a shop owner, get the guards called down, then massacre them and become an outlaw. Or, become a dragon hunter. Set up a nice cottage somewhere. Become the lord of Whiterun. Set out to become a vampire, werewolf, or wizard. These examples are a tiny selection of things players can do. It's a ridiculous amount of choice, and it's all for the player to decide.
7 Exploration Yields Rewards

The whole purpose of having an open-world in videogames is to explore that world. The developers need to make that world fun to pull apart, so it's disheartening when so many games make an awesome world with nothing of substance to find in it. Rage 2, for example, has a gorgeous apocalyptic map... but pretty much nothing to do in it.
Bethesda, on the other hand, are masters at keeping their world interesting. No matter where the player is in Skyrim, there will be something of interest in viewing range, which, in turn, often leads to interesting quests, items, lore, or locations. Skyrim's exploration is a rabbit hole that players love to delve into.
6 User Expansions Add Infinite Gameplay

It's wonderful that modders have created tweaks to every part of Skyrim, from the grass to the stars in the sky, but what's truly impressive is when modders band together to create brand-new player content, including whole new maps, for free.
There's a shocking amount of these massive user-made expansions available, and they range from traditional Skyrim-style fare like the 20+ hour long Falskaar to a massive pirate experience along the northern coast. Skyrim's already big enough, but, with the help of modders, it can be never-ending.
5 The Best VR RPG

The biggest addition to the world of Skyrim arrived in 2017 in the form of the VR version of the game, which is available on PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift. Unlike most VR versions of already available games, it's not a short spin-off title, such as Bethesda's own Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot or Doom VFR.
It's Skyrim and every expansion playable entirely in virtual reality as if the player was standing in Tamriel themselves. While it's annoying that VR kit owners have to buy Skyrim VR separately, it's worth it for the most immersive RPG ever developed.
4 Play The Class You Want, How You Want

There have been many open-world RPGs released since Skyrim, and none of them offer the same level of freedom in one key area: class, or how they're actually played. The Witcher 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild have many ways to do objectives, but only one character class.
Skyrim gives the player complete freedom to make whatever character they want to be, from a hulking barbarian to a sneaky wizard, with deeper hidden options available to find such as assassin, vampire, werewolf, and more.
3 It's Available On Nearly Every Platform

One of the hardest parts of wanting to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the knowledge that, without a Switch or Wii U, there's no chance of it coming to other systems. The Witcher 3 is on Switch now, but it's hardly the best way to play it. Even Genshin Impact, which is available on phones, isn't on Xbox. Conversely, Skyrim is available on all platforms right back to PS3/Xbox 360, and, with Xbox Game Pass, it's even possible to play it on Android and (soon) Apple phones.
2 The Community Is The Best

When games remain popular years after their release with no significant extra content or support from the publisher, the reason for it almost always comes down to fan support and a strong community. Skyrim may have received a special edition re-release in 2016 and the aforementioned VR version in 2017, but, in general, Skyrim is only talked about today because it has a fantastic and dedicated community.
Fan-made add-ons range from small fixes for things players may never have noticed to complete remasters of Oblivion and Morrowind rebuilt in Skyrim. Head over to the NexusMods Skyrim page, and there'll be something new on there every day.
1 Elder Scrolls VI Is Still A Long Way Off

While it's astonishing that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim remains so popular ten years after its release, like fellow open-world title Grand Theft Auto 5, this is partially down to the fact that a sequel is still probably a long way off. There were only five years between the fourth game Oblivion and Skyrim, yet, while The Elder Scrolls VI was announced in 2018, nothing has been seen since, and it's more than likely still a few years away.
While The Elder Scrolls Online offers some respite, any player looking for an offline first-person open-world fantasy RPG with the same level of freedom as Skyrim can only really get one answer, and that is to play Skyrim once again.
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