The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 10 Saddest Things About Bucky Barnes
While up to this point in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Bucky Barnes has been a side character, he’s still a character that has been through a significant amount of traumatic things. His overall story is a rather depressing one as he was captured by HYDRA and has “died” multiple times. In fact, most of his life after he joined the army was difficult and tragic.
Because of this, many fans have found his narrative interesting and want to see more of these issues be explored, and many are hoping that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will address some of the things that have happened to Bucky already.
10 He Had To Join the army

While Bucky Barnes seemed fairly optimistic as a young person before the war, his experiences there weren’t easy. He, like many real-life people at the time of World War II, had to fight in the war.
And, while he might have put on a brave face about it for Steve, he didn’t seem nearly as intent on trying to be a heroic soldier as Steve was. Plus, it wasn’t long that he was in the armed forces before he was captured behind enemy lines.
9 He thought he was too dangerous to be safe around others

After Steve Rogers is able to break through all of Bucky Barnes's brainwashing at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky goes off on his own. He is trying to evade HYDRA from finding him again, but he also clearly isn’t sure that he’s safe to be around others.
He knows that HYDRA still has the trigger words and that these can be used to gain control of Bucky’s autonomy again. He also is clearly dealing with a lot of trauma and isn’t sure how to interact in the world. At the end of Civil War, he even chooses to go back into a cryogenic freeze.
8 He had to fight again in Wakanda

In Avengers: Infinity War, Bucky is living in Wakanda after T’Challa invites him and Steve to stay there. Bucky was still a wanted man at that time, and so was Steve at that point, but T’Challa offered them a safe haven. Shuri removed the words from Bucky’s brain, and it seems like Bucky had some space to finally heal.
However, when Thanos’ minions came to Wakanda, Bucky had to fight once again. He might not have wanted to, but he wasn’t going to just sit by.
7 He tried to kill his best friend

Because of what HYDRA did to Bucky, he had no real memories of his life before and who he really was. He didn’t even know who Steve was, and so he was used by HYDRA to try to kill Steve. Audiences also saw that in those moments when Bucky thought he recognized Steve that his memory was wiped once again.
While Bucky didn’t actually end up killing Steve, he almost died multiple times. This is definitely something he wouldn’t have wanted to do, and he carries a lot of guilt for the things he was made to do while brainwashed.
6 His best friend ditched him

While some fans liked the ending of Steve Roger’s story in the MCU, many other people did not. A lot of people didn’t think that Steve would abandon all of his friends, especially Bucky and Sam, and go back in the past without Peggy’s consent.
But, like it or not, this is what happened in the canon. Because of this, Bucky is left without his best friend again and has to make it nearly alone in the world as both he and Sam have to deal with that loss.
5 He was captured by Hydra... The First Time

When Bucky was in the army, he and the rest of the 107th Infantry Regiment. They were all kept by HYDRA, but Bucky specifically was being experimented on by Armin Zola.
Bucky and the rest of the Howling Commandos were left for dead, and if it wasn’t for Steve, they likely would have died. However, at this point, Bucky had already endured some torture, but things would only get worse.
4 He was blamed for Zemo’s crimes

In Captain America: Civil War, Helmut Zemo impersonates Bucky when he blows up the U.N. Headquarters. Bucky is blamed for these actions, and he has to go on the run. While Steve tries to help him, no one really believes that Bucky is innocent, and he is kept in a prison once again after everything he’s already been through.
The entire plot of the movie also revolves around Steve trying to help Bucky and the rift between Steve and Tony. It’s clear that Bucky also feels guilt for this as he tells Steve while flying to Siberia that he doesn’t think he’s worth all this.
3 He was snapped by Thanos

After all the times Bucky was captured and thought to be dead, it seemed that he had finally found at least some peace and safety when living in Wakanda.
But, sadly, this didn’t last very long. Bucky was one of the many characters who were dusted by Thanos at the end of Infinity War. It seems like Bucky really can’t catch a break as he’s almost always captured or dead in the story.
2 He lost nearly everyone he knew growing up

While the Captain America movies show how Steve has to cope with the loss of nearly everyone he knew and also with being in a new time period, the same would apply to Bucky.
He might not have been on ice for decades, but he wasn’t his own person. So, when he broke the brainwashing, he had to deal with the grief of losing most of the friends and family he knew growing up.
1 He was tortured, brainwashed, and turned into a HYDRA weapon

Of all the terrible and sad things that have happened to Bucky so far in the MCU, the worst by far is what HYDRA did to him after he fell from the train.
It’s really disturbing and gruesome when laid out. Bucky lost his arm and nearly died. Then, he was experimented on, tortured, and brainwashed to be made into a weapon with no autonomy. Because of this, others thought he was a villain, but really he is a victim. Yet, he's still a good person despite all of this.
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