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The Flash: 5 Times Killer Frost Was The Worst (& 5 Times It Was Caitlyn)

CW's The Flash is loved by fans for its incredible characters, chilling villains, and captivating storylines. Over the six seasons aired so far, the characters have grown, evolved, died, discovered other earths, met their doppelgangers, and even developed metahuman abilities.

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In the midst of fighting formidable villains like Zoom and the Reverse Flash, Team Flash—comprised of the main characters—learned new things about themselves and those around them, and even got new members. Among those are the many different versions of Harrison Wells and Killer Frost, Caitlyn's "evil" metahuman half.

While Killer Frost was labeled a villain on account of the terrible things she got up to with her powers, Caitlyn was hardly a saint either. Most of the bad things she did were out of desperation to get rid of the cryokinetic powers that were bringing out her frosty side in the show's third season. With her fair share of evil acts, Caitlyn was almost as bad as Killer Frost.

10 Killer Frost: Partnered With Savitar

Savitar was one of Barry's worst rivals in the third season of The Flash. This was partly because he was a speedster as well, and mostly because he was Barry, or more specifically, a time remnant of Barry from the future. He knew everything that Barry knew since they shared memories and he had the upper hand of knowing things from the future.

When Killer Frost finally gained control of Caitlyn's body, despite Team Flash's efforts to keep her locked away, she wandered off and came across Savitar. He asked her to join him in his fight against Barry and the others and offered to help her become a god, like him. She agreed once he revealed his identity to her.

9 Caitlyn: Hid Her Powers

Caitlyn kept her powers a secret for months before the team became aware of them. During that time, she did all she could to find a way to get rid of them, including contacting her estranged mother. She even stole some power dampeners from Cisco's lab, before eventually confessing to him.

Even after telling Cisco, she kept the secret from the rest of her team, worried about their reaction. Despite her wishes, Cisco outed her to the rest of the team.

8 Killer Frost: Stopped Caitlyn From Saving Iris

Once the rest of Team Flash became aware of Caitlyn's powers, they enlisted her help to fight other metahumans they encountered. In season 3 episode 12, "Untouchable," Team Flash faced Clive Yorkin, a metahuman who was created during Flashpoint. Clive had the ability to cause anything and anyone to decompose at an accelerated rate with one touch.

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During his revenge mission to kill every cop who'd apprehended him during Flashpoint—including Joe West—Clive went after Iris and touched her arm, just before Wally (Kid Flash) saved her. Caitlyn used her powers to freeze Iris' arm to stop her from decomposing until they could find a cure. While she was doing that, she lost control of her powers and Killer Frost took over and taunted Barry about letting Iris die. Luckily, the team managed to talk her down until Caitlyn regained control.

7 Caitlyn: Shared Barry's Secret About Dante

Barry created Flashpoint when he went back in time to stop Eobard Thawne from killing his mother. The result of his time-traveling was a world that was quite different from what he knew. When he realized that he'd made the world worse for his friends, he tried to reverse this, but some things didn't quite go back to normal.

One of those was the death of Cisco's brother, Dante Ramon. In season 3, episode 6 "Shade," Barry confided to Caitlyn that Dante was alive before he messed with the timeline and she revealed that to Cisco during an outburst. The revelation was made worse by the fact that Cisco had asked Barry to go back in time and save his brother before and he'd refused.

6 Killer Frost: Attacked Team Flash

When Killer Frost joined Savitar, she fought against her former teammates on several occasions, sometimes on his instructions and other times because she felt like it. One of her most notable attacks was on Cisco, where she believed killing Caitlyn's long-time friend would help her be rid of her human half for good. Before she got around to killing Cisco, Savitar stopped her and told her they needed Cisco alive to modify some technology he needed to remain undefeated by the Flash.

5 Caitlyn: Attacked Acolytes

Acolytes were followers of Savitar who worked with Doctor Alchemy to do Savitar's bidding. One of the acolytes was captured in season 3's "Killer Frost" and taken back to the Central City Police Department headquarters. Caitlyn tricked Joe into leaving the acolyte unattended, then went in and tortured him to get answers on Alchemy's location.

She also attacked another acolyte in his home and threatened him and his family if he didn't tell her where she could find Alchemy. Caitlyn believed Alchemy would be able to take away her powers so she could go back to normal, but the acolyte only revealed that she was destined to become Killer Frost.

4 Killer Frost: Kidnapped Cecile

In season 3, episode 19 "I Know Who You Are," Savitar instructed Killer Frost to find a physicist named Tracy Brand and kill her. Team Flash had discovered that Tracy had created a speed-force based prison in the future and hoped she could help them trap Savitar in the present. The team saved her from Killer Frost and took her back to S.T.A.R Labs.

In retaliation, Killer Frost kidnapped Cecile and offered to trade her for Tracy. Team Flash foiled her plan and saved both Cecile and Tracy from her. Cisco also managed to get a sample of blood from Killer Frost so they could use it to make a serum that could cure her powers.

3 Caitlyn: Kidnapped Julian Albert

One of the changes brought about by Flashpoint was Julian Albert, a crime scene investigator specializing in metahumans and also Barry's senior. When Caitlyn failed to get the information she needed from the acolyte she tortured at the police station, she kidnapped Julian instead and forced him to create an algorithm to find Alchemy's followers.

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When the police showed up, Barry saved her from their bullets and whisked her away to safety. In return, Caitlyn stabbed his leg with an icicle before taking off and warning him not to follow her.

2 Killer Frost: Almost Killed Cisco

In the season 3 finale, "Finish Line," Savitar and Caitlyn kidnapped Cisco and stole the Speed Force Bazooka so Cisco could modify it. Savitar wanted to use the modified version to fragment himself across time, making him indestructible.

Once Cisco was done with the modifications, Savitar instructed Killer Frost to kill him, which she was more than happy to do to be rid of Caitlyn forever. Luckily, Gypsy sensed that Cisco was in danger, vibed to his location, and saved him before Killer Frost could kill him.

1 Caitlyn: Worked For Amunet Black

After Team Flash defeated Savitar and Caitlyn regained control of her body, she decided to go and re-discover herself while the rest of the team grieved the loss of H.R. Julian gave her a serum, which was meant to dampen her powers. The serum only worked for a while and once she felt Killer Frost getting strong again, Caitlyn searched for another way to suppress her powers.

She discovered that Amunet Black, a metahuman crime lord, specializing in black-market technology trade, had something that could do exactly what she needed. In exchange for letting her use the tech, Amunet made Caitlyn work as her bodyguard and accompany her to do her illegal trade deals.

NEXT: The Flash: 5 Best Friendships (& 5 Worst)

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