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Harry Potter: 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations, Ranked

The Harry Potter series is remarkable for the way it juggles all kinds of emotions, with the happy times being balanced out by the sad ones. Due to the sacrificial nature of the characters and events, there were more than a few times where the protagonists had to be separated from one another despite their reluctance to do so.

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These include events that involved death, break-ups, goodbyes, and characters walking away from one another. All of these land a big punch to the heart due to the tragic circumstances that surround them. The events of the movies and the books have been given equal importance, with scenes that delivered a greater impact being included while the novels' events have also been considered.

10 Ginny And Harry's Break-Up

This was a separation of Harry’s own doing, although its necessity was completely forced upon him due to the situation. Harry realized that Voldemort’s supporters would never leave his loved ones alone, prompting him to end things with Ginny just when they started.

What makes this so heartbreaking is the fact that Ginny actually tried to argue against it, claiming she didn’t care that she was in danger and that Harry was worth it. In order to avoid the temptation of reconciling with her, Harry had to leave Dumbledore’s funeral to distance himself from Ginny and their newfound love.

9 Harry Leaving Hogwarts For The First Time

The only one who was more likable in Philosopher's Stone than Harry himself was Hagrid, and Harry saw his farewell with him as the personification of departing from Hogwarts. Despite the promise of a return, this was a sad separation due to Harry having to return to the Dursleys for the first time after being truly happy for a year.

Adding to the melancholy in the scene was Hagrid handing Harry the album with his parents’ pictures, reminding Harry and the viewer of the sacrifice his parents had made. For Harry, he wasn’t returning home, he was saying goodbye to it as the train left.

8 Ron's Struggles After Hermione Is Chosen At Malfoy Manor

The event at Malfoy Manor was something out of The Hunger Games, as Hermione was brutally tortured by Bellatrix. This was preceded by a separation just as gut-wrenching, as Ron had to be wrestled away from Hermione when she was chosen.

The moment that sealed its heartbreaking nature was Ron begging Bellatrix to take him instead of Hermione, as he tearfully offered his life in exchange for hers to no avail. This separation almost turned them into star crossed lovers had Dobby not intervened, at a time where Ron was banging against the walls for some way to return to Hermione.

7 Snape And Lily Being Sorted Into Different Houses

This is a separation that is more saddening in hindsight, as the two friends being sorted into different Houses effectively spelled doom for their relationship a few years later. After having spent their childhoods together, Snape and Lily were forced into different lives through their sorting.

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Of course, the actual moment itself is just as heartbreaking, as Snape was shown looking sadly toward Lily as she left his side to be among the Gryffindors. It was probably here that his disposition hardened and he ultimately became one of the least liked professors at Hogwarts and a recluse in general.

6 Harry And Sirius' Last Goodbye

While the fifth movie might not be ranked the highest in the series, it did bring this moment of impact. Here, Harry and Sirius had what turned out to be their last goodbye when Harry left Grimmauld place, where Sirius ironically claimed the two would be a real family soon enough.

In the novel, Harry wanted very badly to stay, as he had the worst feeling about leaving his godfather. Sirius himself had a melancholic attitude, implying that he didn’t know if he could fulfill his promise as well. In the end, it wasn’t meant to be as the two never shared another embrace.

5 Fawkes' Departure From Hogwarts After Dumbledore's Funeral

This wasn’t just Fawkes bidding farewell to Hogwarts, but the Phoenix effectively separating himself from the memory of Dumbledore and everything with the Wizarding world. Before Dumbledore’s funeral, Fawkes sang his lament and flew away to places unknown.

What’s especially sad is that Harry also felt part of this moment, as the song struck him and made him truly believe that Dumbledore had left him for good. In his heart, Harry knew the Phoenix had gone forever, taking Dumbledore away in spirit as well and the idea that Hogwarts was his home.

4 Sirus' Death Right Before Harry's Eyes

The Order of the Phoenix doesn’t get enough credit for the incredible climax the movie features, with Sirius’ demise kicking things off. Here, Harry was ripped apart from his father figure as Bellatrix stunned Sirius and sent him flying into the veil and beyond.

The reason why this separation cuts deep isn’t due to Sirius’ death, but because Harry didn’t even have the time to process what had happened as he had his beloved godfather one moment, only to feel all alone in the world the next second.

3 Ron Abandoning Harry And Hermione

The Golden Trio always seemed impenetrable, which seemed to be confirmed when Ron and Hermione promised to be by Harry’s side until the end. However, they were broken apart when Ron decided to leave his friends behind under the influence of the Horcrux locket.

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It was overall an entirely needless break up of their friendship, which was made worse when Ron took shots at Harry’s family and claimed he didn’t understand when the latter had always lost the ones he loved. By walking away from Harry, Ron also made his best friend feel culpable for all the tragedies that had happened. Not to mention Hermione’s distraught state when Ron vanished into thin air and left her crying his name.

2 Lily Giving Her Life To Protect Harry

Despite being absent for the majority of the books, Lily’s sacrifice ranks among the most heroic deaths. The reason for this is due to the fact that she could’ve walked away with her life but chose not to, as the thought of leaving her child was impossible to her.

In the end, it was Voldemort who had to remove Lily from Harry, as he cast the killing curse while the baby watched. The movies turned this into an actual separation, with Lily telling baby Harry that he was loved before Voldemort attacked.

1 Harry's Parting With Ron And Hermione To Go To His Death

Harry earned the right to be the most beloved Gryffindor. This moment of separation was different in the book and the movie, but equally heartbreaking. Although Harry walked away, he did so knowing that he was walking to his death.

The movie had Harry encounter Ron and Hermione, where he tearfully revealed that he was going to Voldemort. What truly makes this such a shattering separation is that the three had to willingly separate since they knew there was no other option, as Harry left his friends staring in his wake for what they thought was the final time.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Best Soundtracks From The Series, Ranked

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