Legend Of Korra: 10 Best Season 1 Episodes, Ranked By IMDb
Very few shows throughout the history of television have been successful enough to warrant a spin-off, mostly because shows do their best to wrap things up as neatly as they can when they come to an end. However, every so often a series comes around that is so beloved by virtually everyone that it warrants more material - Avatar: The Last Airbender was such a show.
The world made up of elemental benders was just too mesmerizing to leave alone - enter Legend of Korra. With big shoes to fill, the spin-off still delivered, introducing audiences to Korra, a hot-headed Avatar who was Aang's polar opposite, as she led a brand new Team Avatar - but that doesn't mean some episodes weren't ranked higher than others.
10 Welcome to Republic City, Episode 1 (8.4)

As stated, audiences got to meet Korra in the very first episode where it was immediately apparent that she was a bending prodigy (except for Air) and had zero connection to her spiritual side. Therefore, Korra travels to Republic City, a futuristic (and by that we mean 1920s) city that Aang and the former Team Avatar built in order to learn airbending from Aang's son Tenzen.
Furious at Korra for coming to the city when she was instructed not to, Korra finally helps Tenzen realize that she should stay. The episode ends on a cliffhanger by showing audiences the villain of the season - Amon.
9 A Leaf in the Wind, Episode 2 (8.4)

Korra was proficient at water, earth, and fire (and had been since she was about 3) but couldn't produce a single puff of air if her life depended on it. Frustrated with Tenzen for not being a better teacher, Korra escapes Air Temple Island and travels to the city in order to watch a Pro-Bending Match.
Once there, she befriends two Pro-Benders, Bolin and Mako, who happen to be brothers and play for the Fire Ferrets. When the third member of the Fire Ferrets quits, Korra ends up joining the team and helps lead them to victory (by using an airbending technique she learned from Tenzen).
8 The Revelation, Episode 3 (8.4)

While it's generally agreed among fans that A:TLA was the better overall show, Korra had to face way scarier villains than Aang did (not that Ozai and Azula weren't terrifying). After spending some time in Republic City, Korra learns that there's a group of terrorists plaguing the city called 'The Equalists', and they're led by Amon.
When Korra and Mako infiltrate one of their rallies, they learn that Amon wants to cleanse the world of bending and all benders... then shocks the crowd by revealing that he has the ability to take a person's bending away permanently.
7 The Aftermath, Episode 7 (8.5)

Is there a single character in either A:TLA or LoK that doesn't have father issues? After taking some hard hits from the Equalists (and the Fire Ferrets losing their funding) there seems to be a bright light when Asami's father, the inventor of the Satomobile, offers to sponsor them.
However, things take a major turn when Lin Beifong reveals that Sato is creating weapons for the Equalists - resulting in a massive fight in an underground lair between Sato and his Mecha-Tanks against Team Avatar. It ultimately ends with Asami turning on her father so that Team Avatar can escape.
6 When Extremes Meet, Episode 8 (8.8)

After the revelation that Asami's father was helping the Equalists, the Council for Republic City (led by a waterbender named Tarrlock) decided that a task-force should be created to try and bring them down. However, Tarrlock insists that Korra lead the group as her status as the Avatar would cause people to support it.
Unfortunately, Tarrlock begins taking too many liberties and becomes something of a dictator, causing Korra to confront him and have a massive battle in the middle of City Hall. But just when Korra is about to win, Tarrlock blood-bends her (despite it not being a full moon) and then takes her prisoner.
5 And the Winner Is... Episode 6 (8.9)

With Korra joining the Fire Ferrets in episode 2, she really gave the team a true advantage and helped elevate them all the way to the Finals where they faced the Wolf-Bats.
Unfortunately, the refs of the game had been paid off and the Wolf-Bats committed several blatant fouls in order to win the match with ease... only for the Equalists to attack the arena upon completion of the match. Amon takes center-stage, defeats the Wolf-Bats with ease, then takes their bending away in front of everyone.
4 Out of the Past, Episode 9 (8.9)

So much awesome stuff happened this episode that it's hard to sum it all up at once. For starters, after Tarrlock locks Korra away, she begins to meditate and finally connects with Aang. Upon connecting with Aang, he shows Korra past memories of when he had to face a blood-bender named Yakone who tried to take over Republic City some 30 years prior.
Meanwhile, Team Avatar searches for Korra and finally discovers what Tarrlock did to her, but Tarrlock defeats them all with his blood-bending... only for Tarrlock to get ambushed by Amon and have his bending permanently taken away.
3 Turning the Tides, Episode 10 (8.9)

`Twas the episode where Lin proved she was just as bad-ass as her mother. After the Equalists begin raiding and terrorizing Republic City, Team Avatar does everything they can to stop them.
However, when Tenzen's wife, Pema, begins to go into labor in the middle of an assault, Tenzen is forced to flee with his family in order to live and fight another day. Sadly, their sky-bison can't outrun the Equalist airships, so Lin sacrifices herself and single-handedly takes down the airships, but she gets captured in the process and Amon takes her bending away.
2 Skeletons in the Closet, Episode 11 (8.9)

Despite the arrival of General Iroh and his army, the Equalists still manage to hold them and Team Avatar off and maintain their control over Republic City. When Korra and Mako infiltrate Air Temple Island to try and find something to use against Amon, they instead find a locked-up Tarrlock.
The prisoner then informs them that Amon is actually his brother, a fell0w blood-bender who uses blood-bending to take other people's bending away. With this new information, Korra and Mako plan to expose Amon as a bender in front of all of his supporters and cripple his power at its true source.
1 Endgame, Episode 12 (9.3)

Korra and Mako's plan to expose Amon as a bender goes (predictably) wrong and things take a worse turn when it's revealed that Amon has captured Tenzen and his family (planning to rid the world of all airbenders). Korra and Mako manage to save them, but when they're confronted by Amon in private, he unleashes his full-power and blood-bends them with ease, resulting in him taking Korra's bending away.
However, Korra manages to unlock her own airbending power and uses it to defeat Amon, whereupon she finally spiritually connects with Aang, who then gives her her bending back1, as well as the ability to restore bending to others who had lost it thanks to Amon.
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