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WandaVision: How The Twins Can Age Themselves | Screen Rant

Over the course of one WandaVision episode, twins Billy and Tommy go from being babies to ten-year-old children - but how is that possible? As it moves into the back half of its nine-episode run, WandaVision is speeding up the thrills and twists. Back in episode 3, Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) gave birth to twin boys after a startlingly quick pregnancy, and while last week's installment stepped away from the goings-on in the Maximoff-Vision residence, episode 5, titled "On A Very Special Episode...", brought things back to their sitcom bubble.

At the start of WandaVision episode 5, new parents Wanda and Vision (Paul Bettany) face the familiar struggle of trying to get their babies to fall asleep. However, it isn't long before Billy and Tommy are standing on their own two feet and talking; in fact, it's only a handful of minutes. WandaVision then spends some time with these five-year-old versions of the twins, but when the eponymous couple decides the boys have to be ten to adopt a dog, the boys age themselves up once more. A sly glance passes between Tommy and Billy, and they grow right before Wanda and Vision's eyes.

Related: WandaVision: Every MCU Easter Egg In Episode 5

Considering the speed of Wanda's pregnancy, Billy and Tommy's rapid aging isn't incredibly shocking. However, it's important to realize Wanda has nothing to do with this. It's purely the boys themselves motivating their growth, so how is it possible? The answer seems to lie in the comic backgrounds of Wanda and Vision's offspring, particularly when it comes to Billy. While both of the twins have powers of their own, Billy is the one with similar abilities to his mother.

In the comics, Billy is the Young Avengers member Wiccan. Much like Wanda, he possesses reality-bending powers which could be used to, say, change his and his brother's age. A major difference between Billy's comic superpowers and WandaVision's, however, is that Billy has to hear his spells in order to properly cast them. Based on that, it looks like WandaVision's version of Billy is more advanced than his comic book counterpart. At the same time, this could just as easily be an example of the MCU altering their characters' powers for convenience's sake. Nevertheless, it's clear the Billy in WandaVision will maintain his Wiccan abilities for however long he sticks around.

That Billy and Tommy have grown up so much in such a short span of time gives them a clearer path to joining the rest of the MCU. Without outright saying so, the MCU appears to be assembling its own Young Avengers, with such members like America Chavez and Kate Bishop on the way. Tommy and Billy aren't quite ready to assume their hero personas Speed and Wiccan when they're little kids. However, now that they're much older, they can continue to grow without much delay. Of course, this depends on whether the twins actually manage to survive WandaVision. Many theories suggest they won't make it out of the carefully constructed "hex." Nevertheless, the seeds are being planted for Wiccan and Speed to develop even further in the future.

More: WandaVision Ep 5 Ending Explained: What [SPOILER] Means For The MCU

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