5 Arrowverse Characters Who Were Gone Too Soon (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)
No one likes it when a fan favorite leaves a series, let alone a universe. The Arrowverse has been a rich and vast world for numerous DC characters, known and unknown, old and new to shine, and when some characters leave or are downgraded all too quickly, it leaves the audience feeling disappointed.
Yet, there are times when the characters left behind don't go anywhere. When the fan favorites are long gone or put into recurring roles, the others keep on going, either taking the favorite's place or just not going anywhere, much to the fans' disappointment and annoyance.
10 Too Soon: Ragman

What's fun about the Arrowverse is the chance to explore obscure characters. Ragman, a supernatural hero who many fans don't know of, popped up in Arrow for season five and made a bit of a splash. So much so, it would've been cool to see him grow over the next few seasons.
Instead, Rory Regan was dropped by the middle of season five. While he had two other cameos throughout, his potential felt wasted due to him leaving so soon. If anything, he should be brought back in some capacity.
9 Overstayed: Laurel Lance

Yes, over the course of the series, Laurel Lance evolved and grew. She went from being a stuck-up lawyer to a selfless vigilante. She died in season four knowing she had made a difference.
Given the nature of DC to not let characters die though, she was brought back as Earth-2's Laurel, Black Siren, who went through similar changes and went from being a stuck-up villain to a selfless vigilante. It felt like her arc was playing out twice for no real reason when it should've just been once and deserved a better ending.
8 Too Soon: Miss Martian

When fan favorites are added to a series, fans want to see them last. Remembering Miss Martian from Young Justice, fans were elated to see an adaptation of her pop up in Supergirl, one they hoped would last a long time alongside Martian Manhunter.
Then season two came and went, and M'gann was gone. She would make a total of two more cameos over the next three seasons and wouldn't be added to or built upon in any real character-defining way. A waste for such a loved character.
7 Overstayed: Harrison Wells

Twists are always fun, especially with someone like Harrison Wells. Originally meant to be the mentor of Barry Allen, the Flash, Wells was revealed to be the nefarious Reverse-Flash. With the real Wells dead, many assumed that would be it for him.
Thanks to the multiverse, though, Wells kept popping up and kept bringing twists. From being a normal guy to the cause of the Crisis, The alternate Wells took away from the original to the point where he honestly just felt like a bad joke with each new Wells.
6 Too Soon: Wally West/Kid Flash

Even when a character becomes recurring, it takes away from who they are. Wally West was introduced to The Flash in season two and he had the makings to be a big part of the show, especially after he got super speed and could've been an amazing sidekick to Barry.
Yet, the writers never seemed like they knew what they wanted to do with him. They couldn't decide if he should've been on team Flash or team Legends. Both times, Wally left all too soon and the Kid Flash still hasn't gotten his moment to shine.
5 Overstayed: Gary Green

Adding original characters in is always fun. Adding in original characters who don't go anywhere isn't. Gary Green, a member of the Time Bureau truthfully should've been a brief character for season three. Nothing more than an afterthought.
For whatever reason though, the series kept him on and still has him as a member of the pretty powerful Legends and John Constatine's "sidekick". Gary's humor is weird and awkward and it adds to the levity of the series, but there are moments where he doesn't add anything and is just... there.
4 Too Soon: Hawkgirl And Hawkman

Like with Kid Flash, there was another set of characters who were misused greatly. Set up in The Flash as being prominent characters, Hawkgirl and Hawkman entered the Legends Of Tomorrow and made themselves known in season one. And season one only.
It would've been cool to see the Hawks continue their adventure past the exploits of Vandal Savage. Instead, when season one came to a close, they left the team and as such, haven't been seen in the Arrowverse or elsewhere since. Honestly, a spinoff series wouldn't have hurt.
3 Overstayed: Mick Rory/Heatwave

Now, Mick Rory is a fun character. He has plenty of humorous moments and beats that allow him to shine. Yet, on his entire run through Legends Of Tomorrow, his change and purpose don't come across as strongly as the rest.
Yes, he faces development and he's changed quite a bit over the past five, soon to be six, seasons. However, it does feel as if he's overstayed his welcome, that as most of the original members leave, maybe the former villain Heatwave should set out, as well.
2 Too Soon: Kate Kane/Batwoman

Truth be told, no matter where a fan stands on the topic of Batwoman, they can admit Ruby Rose as Kate Kane, Batwoman, was a decent choice for a hero with no special powers and a great female hand-to-hand combatant. So much so that audiences could've seen her evolve and grow into the second season.
Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, Ruby Rose dropped out of the series and as such; so did Kate Kane. Because of this, storylines were forced to be rewritten, character development was lost and the potential Kate Kane could've offered was gone in an instant.
1 Overstayed: Beth Kane/Alice

There's a curious case surrounding Beth Kane, otherwise known as the psychopath Alice. When she appeared in Batwoman, it was to be the foe of Kate Kane. It fit, the two of them at each other's throats, with her schemes, developing. Until Kate left the series.
With Kate Kane gone, Alice should've left, too. Her emotional stake in the new Batwoman isn't as strong as it was to Kate and her plans were all but dropped. However, Alice is still a major antagonist rather than a one-hit-wonder like her sister.
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