ID@Xbox's Most Exciting Indie Game Reveals For Spring 2021

Microsoft recently pointed the spotlight at ID@Xbox's indie efforts, revealing a ton of new, smaller-scale games coming to Xbox Series X and Xbox Game Pass in the near future. While just about every game in the four-hour showcase had its charms, a few high-profile releases stood out from the rest. Whether it be on Xbox or another platform down the line, here are a ID@Xbox indie game reveals that seem poised to break through the noise and make a splash.
First off, Devolver Digital impressed once again with the reveal of Death's Door. Created by Acid Nerve, developer of the top-down Soulslike Titan Souls, Death's Door stars a small, sword-wielding bird who's trying to reap the soul of a thief and take down huge, interdimensional creatures. While there's been a huge graphical upgrade over Titan Souls, Death's Door appears to play in a similar fashion, which is great news. One can expect a precise action experience when the game is available for multiple platforms in summer 2021.
Guacamelee creator DrinkBox Studios returned during the Xbox showcase with the reveal of Nobody Saves the World. This Xbox Game Pass-bound 2D action RPG seems to feature the speedy, top-down gameplay of something like The Binding of Isaac, and it has a killer premise to back it up. Finding the wand of a legendary sorcerer, a nobody takes on numerous alternate forms and crawls through a dungeon on their way to victory. It sounds like a run-of-the-mill idea, but the colorful art style and wild transformations put this Nobody Saves the World over the top.
Another standout wasn't a new game but rather a new publishing arrangement for an anticipated release. Yooka-Laylee creator Playtonic will now be publishing Demon Turf, a graphically interesting platformer from Fabraz. Main character Beebz and her fellow citizens are all flat, 2D sprites living in a 3D world, in a presentation that looks somewhat like the original DOOM with a much higher graphical fidelity. Fabraz previously worked on the criminally underrated Slime-San, so Xbox owners can expect a precision approach to running and jumping that should match the quality of Demon Turf's visuals when it releases later this year.
While this is just a small sampling of the exciting games heading to Xbox Series X and Xbox Game Pass in the near future, it's a good sign for 2021's release calendar. Many of this year's bigger releases have been delayed further into the future. There are always great indie games hitting year-round, but 2021 seems particularly in need of these smaller-scale projects to keep up the momentum of the new console generation. Going over the whole four-hour event, there really is something for every type of Xbox player on the horizon.
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