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MCU: Every Important Vehicle From The Movies, Ranked | ScreenRant

In addition to getting characters from place to place between scenes, vehicles can sometimes play a much larger role in the story and can even feel like characters themselves. Like the comics, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is full of futuristic vehicles, some of which have been taken and updated from the source and others which were specifically made for the franchise.

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While the majority end up destroyed almost immediately after they are first shown, there have been a few that have gotten to reappear in the franchise beyond the movies they were introduced in.

13 Fury's SUV

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Nick Fury is ambushed by HYDRA agents posing as police officers while driving a modified SHIELD Chevrolet Tahoe. Luckily for him, the SUV is outfitted with extra features to protect the driver in the event of an attack, including reinforced windows that were able to resist hits from battering rams, and a turret gun hidden in the center armrest. The entire car can be controlled by the voice-activated AI system and was also capable of flight, however, that feature did lose functionality when the car got too damaged. While Fury was able to evade the regular HYDRA agents using that car, it was destroyed when he came across the Winter Soldier who shot a disc grenade at it, causing it to flip over and explode.

12 Quantum Vehicle

After freeing Scott from house arrest and bringing him to their lab in Ant-Man and the Wasp, Hope Van Dyne and Hank Pym reveal that they created a Quantum Vehicle that they could use to pass through a Quantum tunnel and rescue Janet from the Quantum Realm. The vehicle is capable of shrinking to a microscopic level and was piloted by Hank Pym during the recovery of his wife later in the movie, but didn't really serve a purpose afterward.

11 The Ark

Arks were a fleet of ships built and piloted by the Dark Elves, but by the events of Thor: The Dark World, only one remained - which belonged to Malekith. The ship, which is capable of traveling at the speed of light and is powered by black holes, was used during the invasion of Asgard. It can also carry much smaller ships called Harrows and has advanced cloaking that was powerful enough to temporarily go unnoticed by Heimdall as it was nearing the palace. It was destroyed after Malekith's battle with Thor which ended with him being crushed by the vessel after they were both teleported to Svartalfheim.

10 The Statesman

The Statesman was a ship owned by the Grandmaster that was stolen by the members of the Sakaarian rebellion started by Korg in Thor: Ragnarok. Under the command of Loki, the ship was then brought to Asgard to help the citizens escape the planet's destruction at the hands of Surtur.

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Korg, Miek, Valkyrie, Hulk, Heimdall, Loki, Thor, and all the remaining Asgardians made it on and Thor made the decision for them to head for Earth. Not long into their journey, the ship was attacked by Thanos and the Black Order who killed half the Asgardians, including Loki and Heimdall, before destroying the ship using the power stone.

9 Marvel's Laboratory

The laboratory belonging to Mar-Vell aka Doctor Wendy Lawson, which appeared in Captain Marvel, was aboard a Kree Imperial Cruiser orbiting around Earth. The lab was where Mar-Vell ran experiments of the tesseract and was also used to house the Skrull refugees while she attempted to build a light-speed engine to try and help them find a new home. The lab was invaded by the Star Force and was where a large part of the movie's final battle took place before Carol fully accessed her true power. The ship was last seen being accompanied by Carol as the Skrulls set off in search of a new planet.

8 Dark Aster

The Dark Aster was the three miles wide Kree flagship belonging to the main villain of Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan the Accuser. The ship was used during the attack on Xandar and its large size made it easy for it to break through the barrier created by the Nova Corps. fleet and attack the planet. An earlier version of the ship called Silver Aster also appeared in Captain Marvel when Ronan made his way to Earth along with the Kree army. It was eventually damaged when Rocket intentionally crashed the Warbird into it causing it to plummet into the surface of the planet.

7 Q-Ship

The Q-Ships are vessels that were used by Thanos' Black Order that, like the sanctuary II, were present in all of their major invasions. It was first shown in Avengers: Infinity War where it was used by Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw to come to Earth in search of the time stone.

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After Maw attempted to escape with Doctor Strange, it was then hijacked by Iron Man and Spider-Man and eventually crashed on Titan after the pair snuck on-board to rescue the sorcerer. The ships were then used again by Thanos' army during the Battle of the Avengers Compound after coming from 2014.

6 Royal Talon Fighter

The Royal Talon Fighter, which is hilariously called a "Bugatti spaceship" by an Oakland kid, is the Black Panther's personal aircraft and is his main mode of transportation in Black PantherWhile T'Challa has used it on his missions to rescue Nakia and arrest Klaue, it was shown to be used by his father, T'Chaka, as early as 1992. Like Wakanda itself, the aircraft has cloaking abilities that allow it to be hidden in plain sight. The craft can be piloted remotely from Shuri's lab and can emit sonic blasts strong enough to destroy other aircraft, both features which are demonstrated during the movie's final battle.

5 Sanctuary II

The Sanctuary II is an enormous warship commanded by Thanos and served as his main base after abandoning the asteroid belt of the same name where he spent the majority of the first Avengers movie. The ship was first shown at the end of Thor: Ragnarok before attacking the Asgardians and was used in several of Thanos' other battles including the attacks on Gamora's home planet of Zehoberei, the attack of Korbin, and the battle of Earth. Since it is used in battle, it has dozens of laser cannons capable of destroying the entire Avengers compound and was used to transport the members of Thanos' army. It was destroyed and crashed into the Earth by Captain Marvel who flew through it after joining the fight.

4 Milano

The Milano was the blue and orange spaceship belonging to Star-Lord, named after his childhood crush Alyssa Milano, and was later the main ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The team used it to get into Ronan's ship but the Milano was damaged in the process but was rebuilt by the Nova Corps to thank them for saving Xandar.

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The ship was damaged again in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 after escaping a battle with the Sovereign fleet and crashlanding on the planet, Berhert. While rocket tried to fix the ship, he was kidnapped by the Ravagers before he could complete the repairs.

3 Quinjet

Quinjets are advanced jets created and utilized by SHIELD. In addition to being used by regular agents, they are most commonly used by the Avengers to transport them to and from missions. They have appeared in the majority of the MCU movies including all of the Avengers movies, Ant-Man, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and others. They are capable of cloaking and can survive deep space travel which was shown when Hulk used one to go off-world in Age of Ultron, ending up on the planet, Sakaar. Like with the Dark Aster, an earlier porotype of the ship called the Quadjet even appeared in Captain Marvel and was piloted by Carol and Maria Rambeau, who used it in a dog fight against Minn-Erva, showing that the vessels were in use as early as the 1990s.

2 Benatar

The Benatar, named after Pat Benatar, was the second ship belonging to the Guardians of the Galaxy that they acquired between Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War, where it was first being shown seconds before a half-dead Thor would crash into its window. The craft was where Tony and Nebula were stranded before being brought back to Earth by Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame. The ship was used by the Avengers during the 5 years time period with it being how they first traveled to Thanos' garden to confront him after the snap and was how Black Widow and Hawkeye traveled to Vormir during the time heist. The ship once again became the primary craft of the Guardians after the snap was reversed and the characters were all brought back with Thor joining the team.

1 Hellicarriers

Helicarriers are flying command centers that were first shown in The Avengers which served as the base of operations for the team. The deck of the ship has multiple runaways and is used to carry ships while the hull has reflective panels that render it invisible from the ground. Three new Helicarriers were created as a part of Project Insight in Captain America: Winter Soldier but were destroyed by the combined efforts of Captain America, Maria Hill, and Sam Wilson. It initially flew using four giant turbines but was upgraded by Tony Stark to use repulsor technology instead. The only Helicarrier currently active is No. 64 which was being held at the Theta Protocol Facility before being recovered by Nick Fury to help rescue civilians during the battle of Sokovia. It last appeared in one of the final shots in Agents of SHIELD when Mack, the new director, is shown standing on its deck.

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