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Pokémon: 10 Dual-Type Electric Creatures to Try Out | ScreenRant

The Electric-type is one of the most interesting in the entire Pokémon franchise. It's tied with Normal for having the fewest weaknesses. In fact, if a pure Electric-type can rise above the ground, through the ability Levitate, for example, they would effectively be weakness-less.

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Unable to be Paralyzed, the Electric-type is super effective against both Water and Flying. It is resisted by Dragon, Grass, and Electric itself, and does not affect Ground. Six of the eight regions have an Electric-type specialist as a Gym Leader, or Trial Captain in Alola's case. While a secondary type can work against an Electric-type, because it undoubtedly introduces more weaknesses, it can also grant the Pokémon new and unique battle properties.

10 Lanturn

Lanturn is one of those Pokémon that most people want to use in a playthrough but likely never do. A dual Water/Electric-type mon, Lanturn was introduced in Generation II. Both it and its pre-evolution Chinchou are widely available in multiple games, and its unique typing means it resists five different types, while only having two weaknesses.

Lanturn, however, is quite underwhelming in the stat department. It has great HP, but terrible everything else, making it a rather unbalanced Pokémon. When used appropriately, Lanturn can be a strong water type in any Johto playthrough. It won't be making a splash in the competitive scene any time soon, though.

9 Togedemaru

Introduced in Generation VII, this dual-type Electric/Steel porcupine is a rather peculiar Pokémon. Because of its typing, it boasts three weaknesses, including a quad vulnerability to Ground. However, it more than makes up for it with an insane eleven resistances and an immunity to Poison.

Togedemaru isn't perfect, though. Its stats are very average, it has a particularly pitiful Special Attack, and it is unable to learn any Steel-type moves by leveling up. Togedemaru is a classic case of a Pokémon that could really use an evolution. Alas, it seems that won't be happening any time soon.

8 Arctozolt

The Galar fossils are, without a doubt, some of the most interesting-looking Pokémon ever created. Considering they are made up of two parts of different Pokémon, they can be rather unpleasant to look at, but their sheer power more than makes up for their divisive appearances.

With a very good Base Stat Total of 505, Arctozolt has overall balanced stats, except for its lackluster Speed. Its dual Electric/Ice type means that it inherits three weaknesses from its secondary type, though. It's still interesting enough to grant a spot on the team, even if it isn't necessarily a star Pokémon.

7 Emolga

One of the more famous Pikachu clones, Emolga can be a real pain to battle. Its dual Electric/Flying-type means that it loses its weakness to both Ground (in fact, it becomes immune to it) and Electric. It still holds two of the Flying-type vulnerabilities, though, to Rock and Ice, although it also boasts resistances to five more types.

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Emolga's Base Stats are nothing out of the ordinary. It has terrible HP but exceptional Speed, which means its best chance is to OHKO in the first turn. If it's hit with an Ice Beam, however, things are probably done. Still, Emolga is an interesting albeit gimmicky Pokémon, and as Gym Leader Elesa proves in Unova, it can be quite the powerful ally if used properly.

6 Vikavolt

One of Alola's most inspired Pokémon, Vikavolt is the ideal companion for the Generation VII games. A dual Bug/Electric-type, Vikavolt makes the best out of its two typings. With four resistances, one immunity, and only two weaknesses, it definitely ranks as one of the top-tier Bug types.

Vikavolt also has a very high 500 Base Stat Total, thanks entirely to its insanely high 145 Special Attack. Alas, everything is not perfect and this bug is brought down by its terrible Speed and average HP, Attack, and Special Defense. Still, with that SP., Atk., and a wide and varied move pool, Vikavolt's pros are ultimately more than its cons.

5 Magnezone

Like Togedemaru, Magnezone is also an Electric/Steel-type Pokémon. It also has a four-times weakness to Ground, although it can learn Magnet Rise at level 28, meaning it basically becomes immune to it. Unlike Togedemaru, though, Magnezone is an absolute beast.

With an exceptional 535 Base Stat Total, it is an incredible Special Attacker with a considerably high Defense. It has average Speed, though, but with eleven resistances, one immunity, and only two weaknesses after Magnet Rise, Magnezone is definitely one of the best representatives of the Electric-type.

4 Toxtricity

Another mon from Galar, Toxtricity is certainly one of the coolest-looking Pokémon in the franchise. Thanks to its dual Electric/Poison-typing, it only has two weaknesses, although one is a quad vulnerability to Ground. Still, it overcomes these setbacks by resisting eight different types.

Toxtricity also boasts a very good 502 Base Stat Total. Its Special Attack is clearly its best asset, but it has overall decent and balanced stats all around. Toxtricity also has a Gigantamax form, which makes it so much cooler and confirms its place as one of Galars shiniest, and spikiest stars.

3 Dracozolt

Yet another noteworthy Galar fossil, Dracozolt is certainly interesting to look at. It's disproportionate, bizarre, and maybe a tad off putting, but it's still a force to be reckoned with.

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A dual-type Electric/Dragon mon, Dracozolt retains all the weaknesses of both types. With six resistances, a good move pool that can be greatly expanded via TR, and balanced stats that add up to a total of 505, Dracozolt is an effective and reliable member for a Galarian playthrough.

2 Rotom

In the pantheon of gimmicky Pokémon, perhaps none is gimmickier than Rotom. Introduced in Generation IV, Rotom is an Electric/Ghost type with the unique ability to possess certain appliances, changing form and type in the process. If it possesses a microwave oven, for example, it becomes Electric/Fire, and if it's a lawnmower, it turns Electric/Grass.

By itself, Rotom is quite average. It has a 440 Base Stat Total and terrible HP and Attack. However, in any of its appliance forms, it becomes considerably more powerful. Its Total increases all the way to 520, and while its HP remains terrible, its Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense all benefit greatly, turning it into a full-blown weapon.

1 Alolan Raichu

Regional variants were one of the most surprising and well-received changes made in Generation VII. The second forms of popular Pokémon like Ninetales and Meowth gave the game a cooler surprising twist. And no Alolan form is cooler or more surprising than Raichu.

Not only did it receive a fresh and incredible redesign, but it was also given the Psychic secondary type, taking it into an entirely new direction. It inherits three weaknesses from Psychic but also two resistances. It's more of a Special Attacker than its regular form, but their stat totals remain the same. And any Pokémon cool enough to surf on its own tail deserves all the attention in the world.

NEXT: Pokémon Meets MCU: What Team Would Each Avenger Have?

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