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Gilmore Girls: 10 Episodes That Prove Lorelai & Luke Were Soulmates

Though the battle of Team Dean vs. Team Jess vs. Team Logan will rage on amongst fans of Gilmore Girls for years to come, there is a lot more universality in the Lorelai and Luke relationship. Most fans agree that they are and always were the endgame of the show and its best relationship story.

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As friends, lovers, and life partners, Lorelai and Luke have a slew of moments throughout the show's seven seasons that will make even the most cynical believe in soulmates. Whether it be by actions or by words, these episodes truly encapsulate how made for each other these two were.

10 "Forgiveness & Stuff" - S1, E10 (& "I'd Rather Be In Philidelphia" S7, E13)

These two events happen six years apart, and the situations are very different between Luke and Lorelai. However, in both, he pulls through for her.

Both episodes have Richard admitted to the hospital, and both have Luke rushing to Lorelai and Rory's aid when he finds out. In season 7's rendition, though, Lorelai is with an absent Christopher and had just broken Luke's heart. Both of these episodes with Luke by Lorelai's side, doing all he can for her and her family, show the immense love between them.

9 "That Damn Donna Reed" - S1, E14

"That Damn Donna Reed" is one of the most iconic Luke and Lorelai episodes of the show's early seasons, bringing up the question of the pair's feelings for one another as Lorelai helps Luke pick out paint for the diner while the town watches on.

It is the tension between the two that truly stands out. Their chemistry is always outstanding, but you could cut the tension with a butter knife when the two hide behind Luke's counter. The episode also sees Luke open up to Lorelai, with her being the only person he feels comfortable enough to talk about more personal things.

8 "Run Away, Little Boy" - S2, E9

Luke has held feelings for Lorelai for many years, something that's obvious to both the audience and the Stars Hollow residents. He sat and watched Lorelai go through a good handful of partners, including a much younger guy in this episode just after her un-engagement.

Sookie points out to Lorelai how hurt Luke is seeing her go from engaged to dating some random young guy. Later, Lorelai goes to the diner when it is closed and tells Luke how important he is and how he is in Lorelai's life forever in one of the show's sweetest dialogue moments. Lorelai's speech and the fact she cannot have her and Luke being on bad terms shows how the two were soulmates, even if, at that point, things weren't totally romantic.

7 "The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais" - S4, E14

While Luke is more stoic and silent and Lorelai is loud and energetic, they are similar in that they both deal with things themselves, as independent people. They don't let themselves be hugely vulnerable often, with this episode being a rare example for Lorelai.

RELATED: Gilmore Girls: 10 People Luke Could Have Ended Up With Instead Of Lorelai

Lorelai cries in Luke's arms about needing money, being a failure, having a go at Sookie, and for her and Rory's inability to get a conversation out of one another. Luke comforts her and helps her without question. The way they can be so emotionally vulnerable and comfortable with one another is something they do not share with anyone else, except perhaps Rory.

6 The Final Three Episodes Of Season 4

"Luke Can See Her Face," "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights," and "Raincoats & Recipies" is its own little Lorelai and Luke saga, as the two finally begin to date and share their first non-dream kiss.

It starts with Luke realizing he has deep feelings for Lorelai and seeking guidance from a self-help book and tape, leading into the next episode where he invites Lorelai to Liz and TJ's wedding, sharing an iconic dance with her before asking her on a real date. It all culminates in the third episode where Luke attends the Dragonfly Inn test run, and everything from their across-the-room look, to the flowers, to their first kiss, is all wonderful and shows how perfect the two were for each other from moment one.

5 "Written In The Stars" - S5, E3

While the three-episode ending to season 4 is the perhaps quintessential set of Luke and Lorelai episodes, arguably the show's most romantic episode comes at the beginning of season 5.

With Luke and Lorelai set to begin their dating life together, Luke takes Lorelai to a restaurant he, to the knowledge of nobody, frequents and loves. There he reveals the famous horoscope to Lorelai, which he kept from their initial meeting years earlier. It is as much of a sweet moment as it proves that Lorelai was always the one for Luke.

4 "A House Is Not A Home" - S5, E22

The end of season 5/start of season 6 brought about the inevitable for Luke and Lorelai: a marriage proposal. Lorelai always being one to buck social convention, and it was she who proposed to him and it was an insanely heartwarming moment.

RELATED: Gilmore Girls: 10 Episodes To Rewatch If You Miss Lorelai & Luke

The proposal from Lorelai herself may be enough to deem this episode evidence enough of their status as soulmates. However, the before and after of it prove so even more. Luke getting so emotional over Rory leaving Yale and moving in with Emily before Lorelai popped the question and his immediate yes after once again proved how much she meant to him.

3 "To Whom It May Concern" - S7, E12

Fast forward to season 7, and unfortunately, Luke and Lorelai are no more, with Lorelai instead married to Christopher, and Luke focused on his relationship with his daughter.

This episode sees Luke fight for joint custody of April, which her mother is trying to prevent. To help his case, Luke needs a character reference, and when Luke Danes needs something this important, of course, there is only one person he turns to. Lorelai ends up writing a beautiful character reference detailing how amazing Luke is and how vital he is to her life; it is enough to make any fan watery-eyed. This letter was a catalyst for Christopher and Lorelai calling it quits (thankfully) as well as a sobering reminder of how perfect Luke and Lorelai are together.

2 "Lorelai? Lorelai?" - S7, E20

While Lorelai did so for a good long while after breaking Luke's heart, the end of season 7 saw her feelings all flooding back in a heartbreaking manner.

While out at karaoke night in Stars Hollow with many fan-favorite town patrons in attendance, a drunk Lorelai goes on stage for her turn to sing, and as she does, Luke arrives at the bar, the two lock eyes, and Lorelai painfully sings, "I Will Always Love You." Not only do the townspeople realize Lorelai is singing to Luke, but both Lorelai and Luke know it too and are simply in denial.

1 "Bon Voyage" - S7, E22

Two episodes later, many fans got what they had been wanting since the pilot episode. "Bon Voyage" marked the end of Gilmore Girls and the end of Rory's time in Stars Hollow, yet the restart of Luke and Lorelai's life together.

Yes, the kiss and the getting back together is an important part of how much they were soulmates and made for each other, but the true argument for that being the case comes before that. The sheer amount of time, effort, and care Luke gave to giving Rory the perfect going-away party, despite all the obstacles, may have been the best fatherly moment in Gilmore Girls. Then, Lorelai realizes what Luke has done, how much he cares, and how much she really does love him. Soulmates are a divisive topic, but these two make a strong case for why they are wonderful.

NEXT: Gilmore Girls: 5 Wholesome First Dates (& 5 Messy Ones)

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