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Teen Wolf: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)

When Teen Wolf first began airing on MTV in 2011, millions of people became die-hard fans of the supernatural series. Throughout its six-season run, there were many amazing moments that fans across the globe enjoyed together.

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However, that's not to say that the show was perfect. On one or two occasions, there were several plot points, storylines, as well as special effects, and relationships that left fans questioning whether the writers had made the correct decision. To share their unpopular opinions on the show and find people who agreed with them, many fans turned to Reddit to share their thoughts.

10 Boyd Should Have Lived

When viewers watch a show like Teen Wolf, they know that they are bound to encounter many deaths. However, the hardest ones have to be when their favorite characters come to their end. When Boyd, a Beacon Hills High School student and member of Derek Hale’s wolf pack, dies, many viewers are left devastated.

RELATED: Teen Wolf: 10 Side Characters Ranked By Likability

One Reddit user writes “they killed off Boyd needlessly.” While most Teen Wolf viewers understand that killing Boyd helped to create drama in the show, some viewers were angered by his death and felt that he could have added a lot to the show going forward.

9 Allison Became Boring After She Broke Up With Scott

Since Allison is one of the original main characters, she holds a very special place in many viewers' hearts. Most people were left devastated when she dies in the season three finale. However, there were a few fans who felt that her departure from the show was a good thing.

One Reddit user felt that Allison became a very boring character after she broke up with Scott. She felt like Allison’s character arc was reliant upon her connection to Scott. So when the pair broke up Allison didn’t bring anything new to the show.

8 Scott Should Have Lost His Eyes In The Finale

In the series finale, a lot of storylines are swiftly wrapped up, while a few last-minute dramatic twists are sprinkled throughout the episode. One of the most shocking moments is when Scott goes blind. For a brief moment, it appears like Scott might remain blind throughout the end of the show but the writers ultimately decide to restore his vision.

One Reddit user felt that the show would have been much better and more realistic if Scott remained blind. He felt that “it would have been more beneficial to the story… for him to make a giant sacrifice like that.”

7 Season 3B Was Bad

Ask any Teen Wolf fan what their favorite season of the show is and they’ll most likely tell you that it's season 3. Since Stiles is such a beloved character, most viewers enjoyed watching him in this season of the show.

RELATED: Teen Wolf: Each Season Ranked, According To Rotten Tomatoes

However, one Reddit user felt that 3B was terrible and “The only thing that saved it was Dylan's amazing acting.” Surprisingly, many other people agreed with this person and felt that it was very overhyped.

6 Scott Is A Powerful True Alpha

In the season three midseason finale, it is revealed that Scott is a true alpha. Throughout the show, many of the mystical creatures of Beacon Hills are fascinated by Scott’s true alpha status considering how rare it is to become one.

RELATED: Teen Wolf: 5 Reasons Scott Was The Best Leader (& 5 Reasons Why It Was Stiles)

For the viewers, many people don’t believe that Scott is actually that powerful because he often gets defeated by his opponents. However, one Reddit user believes Scott is very powerful in his way. “He’s strong, and his strength is his will to do anything and everything so [he can] save the people he cares about.”

5 Sterek Makes No Sense

Teen Wolf had many different “ships” throughout the series. One of the most popular pairs was Stiles and Derek, otherwise known as 'Sterek'. Many people loved to watch the interactions between the two and saw something powerful between them.

However, one Reddit user felt that Sterek was overrated and didn’t sense any connection between Stiles and Derek at all. “I felt nothing romantic there. I’m surprised how much hype they got. I didn’t see it at all.”

4 Scott and Malia Were A Good Couple

Many Teen Wolf fans did not like Malia and Scott’s romance. They felt that it was a very random pairing and that the writers put them together because they ran out of ideas for partners for Scott. 

RELATED: Teen Wolf: 10 Most Hated Storylines

However, one Reddit user felt that even though their relationship was unexpected, if you really look at who these two characters are, it makes sense. He said, "In their case I think the opposites attract thing really works in their favour and I also enjoy the fact that they both have quite dominant personalities meaning they can take care of each other.” 

3 The CGI Is Really Bad

Unfortunately, when this show first began CGI capabilities were not as high quality as they are today. While most fans felt that the show did a pretty good job with its special effects, other viewers felt that the show could have done much better.

One Reddit user felt that in season 4 “the music and green screen/CGI seems to [have] somehow gotten worse” than the previous seasons. This can be because as the show progressed, the new villains became more complex and required more animation.

2 Kira Is Not A Good Addition To The McCall Pack

Most people were very happy when Kira Yukimura became a part of the McCall pack in season 3. However, not everyone was a fan of her character. One Reddit user felt that “The character just feels like she was plopped there. She bounces back and forth between having control over the fox and not having control.” 

Overall, Kira is only in the show for a short period and her character never really accomplishes very much. She does ultimately become much better at controlling her powers but does not do much good with them.

1 STYDIA Was A Bad Couple

This might be the most controversial unpopular opinion of all. Stydia is one of the most beloved ships in television history. Most Teen Wolf fans wanted Stiles and Lydia to get together more than anything.

However, it appears not all fans were on board with the 'ship. One Reddit user said “I hated Stydia with a passion. I hated it even more when it happened, as it was clear to me that it was only there because of fan service.” This opinion was shared by quite a few other people in the comment section who felt their relationship was a step backward for both characters.

NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Movie Series (According To Reddit)

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