The Big Bang Theory: The Male Characters, Ranked By Their Romantic Partner Potential
Aside from jokingly referencing science, superhero movies, and video games, a large aspect of The Big Bang Theory was the many different romances going on within the show. One of the best things about the show was watching the characters fall in love. Especially since most of the male characters were shy and awkward, but eventually learned to show how romantic they can be.
While some characters actually grew to be pretty smooth and charming, others didn't really get a chance to show it during the show's run.
10 Barry Kripke

An ever-present thorn in Sheldon's side, Barry's specialty was taunting Sheldon relentlessly. The one time they got along was when they were forced to work together in season 6's "The Cooper/Kripke Inversion." At the time, Sheldon was in a relationship with Amy, which Barry mistakenly believed to be intimate in nature and hence the cause of the deterioration of Sheldon's work.
From the perverted questions and comments he passed in that episode and every other instance when he spoke about women, it's clear he wouldn't make a good romantic partner unless he made some drastic changes to his character.
9 Wil Wheaton

Before Wil and Sheldon became friends, the two were often at odds with each other whenever his character appeared. From tricking him to win a Warlords of Ka'a game in season 3 to teasing Sheldon on social media over beating him to a screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Wil seemed quite dishonest. Eventually, the audience saw a better side to Wil, although he had very little screen time.
Since he wasn't in a relationship on the show, establishing exactly how he'd be as a romantic partner is a little difficult. However, considering he sabotaged Penny and Leonard's relationship to win a bowling game and caused a fight between Sheldon and Amy in season 6's "The Habitation Configuration," it's not too far-fetched to think romance is not really something he's interested in so he might not be the best partner.
8 Dr. V.M. Koothrappali

The stern patriarch of the Koothrapalli family started out in a marriage where he and his partner, Mrs. Koothrapali tolerated each other. This eventually evolved into intolerance then outright resentment, leading to their separation. Failed relationship aside, Dr. Koothrapalli clearly loved his son as he supported him financially to the point of spoiling him until Raj finally decided to become independent.
By the end of the series, Dr. Koothrapalli had already entered the dating pool. Seeing how he managed to woo a lady into a relationship and his inclination to spoil those he cares about lavishly, Doctor Koothrapalli is certainly somewhat romantic.
7 Zack Johnson

Zack was generally a nice guy, quick to forgive and happy to help anyone who needed him. He wasn't very smart, though and that may have been made worse by the fact that he was surrounded by Ph.D. scientists in advanced fields of science. As a romantic partner, he's not too bad, which might explain his on-and-off relationship with Penny.
However, he was not without his flaws when it came to dating. For instance, he agreed to plans with Leonard and the guys, oblivious that Penny was uncomfortable with it since it meant she'd be hanging out with her ex. He did show a sweet and considerate side, though, when he refused to go to a costume party at the comic book store if Penny wasn't going.
6 Bert Kibbler

A "lovable goof" is the best way to describe Bert, the Geologist working at Caltech University like the male leads of the show. At one time he was quite taken with Amy and kept giving her rocks as a show of affection. He didn't have much luck with Amy or any other ladies for that matter and he was quite socially awkward.
In spite of that, he had a sweet and thoughtful countenance. For instance, when Raj could no longer afford his lavish apartment, Bert offered to let him rent out a room above his house. Based on this, Bert could be a kind, sweet, and considerate romantic partner, who'd support those he cares about when they need help.
5 Stuart Bloom

Despite the bad hands he was dealt (losing his comic book store and home), Stuart always did his best to stay optimistic and work for his dreams. He rebuilt his comic book store from scratch and it was even better than before, thanks to his determination and encouragement from friends. In the earlier seasons, he was a lot more confident and used his artistic talents in a romantic way, as shown by a drawing he did of Penny when they first met.
Thanks to his babysitting duties for Howard and Bernadette, Stuart was quite good with kids as well and he may make a good father someday. By the end of The Big Bang Theory, he was in a steady and adorable relationship with Denise. While the relationship helped him regain some of his confidence, he still found it challenging to take huge steps like moving in with Denise. He did, however, give her a key to the Wolowitz's house where he was staying, which was both sweet and weird.
4 Sheldon Cooper

For the most part, Sheldon was frustrating and sometimes downright annoying, but his inability to perceive human emotion like everyone else usually excused his behavior. He also had a sweet side to him, one that cared about his friends and treasured them immensely.
His relationship with Amy showed his more romantic side. After all, he did take a flight on a whim to propose to her, despite being meticulous with planning every aspect of his life. Being in a romantic relationship with him would require a lot of patience but his willingness to learn and change for the better, plus the occasional grand romantic gesture makes it worth it.
3 Howard Wolowitz

Of all the characters, Howard had one of the best growth arcs. He started out as a perverted man, only interested in pursuing women for intimate relations, but he eventually grew into a responsible, loving, family man.
The mature version of Howard, who's no longer too attached to his mother is definitely a lot more enchanting as a partner. Even though he'd freak out over big changes like Bernadette's pregnancies, at the end of the day he steps up and takes responsibility. He even wrote her a sweet song for their anniversary.
2 Rajesh Koothrappali

A hopeless romantic who loves chick flicks, cooks fancy meals, and the finer things of life makes a great girl's best friend. But how well would he do as a romantic partner? Based on his past relationships on the show, he might not be so great but he has his moments. Although his first couple of relationships ended, mostly because he was still a little too dependent on his parents' wealth, which was a turn-off for most ladies, he grew out of that and became independent.
His relationship with Anu was evidence of his growth, and he was even willing to uproot his life and follow her to another country, just so they could still be together. As far as romantic partners go, one that's willing to make such a sacrifice is definitely a good one.
1 Leonard Hofstadter

It's no surprise that Leonard may be the most romantic of all the male characters in The Big Bang Theory. He loved Penny from the moment he met her—a love at first sight kind of experience that many would long for from a romantic partner. Even when she was dating someone else, he never hesitated to help and support her with her dreams as a friend.
He wasn't without his faults though; like the time he kissed someone else during a research trip on a ship while dating Penny and only confessed on their way to Vegas to get married. His complex relationship with his mother and family makes him more determined to overcompensate, making him a man who'll do anything to keep the woman he loves happy.
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