Skyrim Runs At a Smooth 4K 60 FPS On Xbox Series X With FPS Boost

4K resolution and 60 frames per second are now obtainable in the Xbox Series X version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, thanks to the FPS Boost. Microsoft recently acquired Bethesda to join its Xbox Game Studios. Bethesda and all of its subsidiary development companies will now develop titles exclusively for Xbox consoles as part of the acquisition. Now, Xbox has begun adding games from under the Bethesda umbrella to the Game Pass, complete with its FPS Boost.
Xbox’s FPS Boost aims to bring older titles in its catalog to a stable 60 FPS. While at the time of this writing, only select titles have FPS Boost as an option, Xbox One games with the boost enabled can run at the targeted 60 FPS, but with a lowered resolution to compensate. This compromise is nothing new to PC gamers, as trading graphics for better FPS is commonplace within most game settings. However, this is not possible in many last-generation console games as performance and fidelity modes were only introduced with the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro.
In a video by ElAnalistaDeBits, the FPS and resolution of five Bethesda games were analyzed, including Skyrim, Fallout 4 and 76, Prey, and Dishonored. Skyrim runs the best at a solid 60 FPS while maintaining 4K graphical resolution on Series X, but drops down to 1080p on Series S. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 both run at 60 FPS with FPS Boost on XSX but drop to 1080p. Neither reaches 4K on XSS. Dishonored can be boosted to a stable 60 FPS as well, maintaining 1080p on XSX and XSS. Prey also boosts to a full 60 FPS without losing its 1440p fidelity, but no boost is available on XSS.
Skyrim running the best out of the five games tested makes the most sense on XSX, since it is the oldest game out of the group. However, it is surprising to see that XSS only reaches 1080p, given that the game will be a decade old this Fall. It is also important to mention that none of the tests for Skyrim ran with mods enabled. For what it's worth a version of FPS Boost has existed in the game for months as a part of the mod "Skyrim Uncapped.”
Modding and Skyrim go together like peanut butter and jelly, so one expects that the results of the boost in framerate might change once a hefty amount of mods are enabled in a playthrough. The true test, in this case, might be to compare whether Xbox’s FPS Boost is better than Skyrim Uncapped. Further tests could contrast performance between either FPS booster with other mods installed as well. Nevertheless, players eager to jump into their twenty-ninth playthrough can expect to slay Draugr and bandits at a smooth framerate without relying on the modding community on Xbox for the first time since its launch.
Source: ElAnalistaDeBits
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