It Takes Two: How to Beat Vacuum Tower (Boss Fight) | Screen Rant

Those who hope to make it all the way through It Takes Two must work together as a team. The entire game is centered around figuring out what it means to be a team and putting in the effort of solving puzzles with a partner. While the game can be pretty difficult at times, having another player to help solve puzzles makes things much easier in the long run.
One of the greatest challenges that the game throws at players though is the boss battles that they must take part in. Throughout the game, there are several times where players have to fight against some very deadly bosses, which will most definitely take their combined efforts to bring down. This guide shows players how to defeat the Vacuum Tower boss in It Takes Two.

As soon as this fight begins players will need to prepare themselves as the Vacuum Tower will begin launching explosive canisters directly at them. The first part of this fight is all the players staying fast on their feet and avoiding all incoming canisters. After a few moments though a platform will raise up in the back area of the room that will have a vacuum hose attached to the top and bottom.
One player will need to grab the top part of the hose while the other grabs the bottom part. Essentially the player with the bottom part will need to suck up the incoming canisters that the boss is launching while the player with the top portion launches them back at the boss. This will deal some damage and the boss will respond by slamming their arms on the ground, which the player must dodge. After a few moments, they will need to perform the same attack using the hose from earlier.
After harming the Vacuum Tower for the second time things will get a little trickier. From here the boss will start launching mines at the players that will need to be avoided. Keep in mind that after avoiding a mine, that area becomes safe for a considerable amount of time. The players will then be able to use the hose to attack the boss again. There will then be one more round of avoiding mines and slamming attacks before being able to attack once again.
Finally, the boss will collapse and its hose will fall down where the players can reach. The hose must be attached to the boss' eyes in order to complete the fight.
It Takes Two can be played on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.
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