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New Girl: 10 Ways Nick And Cece Are The Same Person | ScreenRant

When Schmidt and Cece decide to get married in New Girl, Jess makes an observation that might make some fans laugh. She asserts to Schmidt that Nick and Cece are essentially the same person. For Schmidt, it's a sweet sentiment since it means the woman he married is exactly like his best friend. Plenty of fans, however, might have been surprised by the statement as Nick and Cece are really very different from one another.

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After all, Cece seems to be in much better control of her life than Nick is in the early seasons of the show. She also ends up jumping into a relationship with Schmidt fairly quickly while Nick waits a long time to pursue Jess. The truth is though that Jess isn't far off the mark. Nick and Cece have a surprisingly large number of things in common, which might be why Schmidt and Jess are drawn to them in the first place.

10 Nick And Cece Don't Want Commitments

When the series begins, neither Nick nor Cece are interested in a committed relationship with anyone. At least, that's what they want everyone to think.

Nick claims to want a meaningless night with his coworker Amanda early on, but he can't manage to go through with it when Jess gets in his head about his insecurities. He ends up almost moving in with his ex Caroline by the end of the season because he's so afraid of ending up alone. Cece goes out with a few different people, but she ends up hooking up with Schmidt repeatedly, unable to admit she wants a relationship with him.

9 They Keep Secrets To Avoid Judgment

Though Nick isn't as good at keeping secrets as Cece is, he still tries. In fact, they both keep secrets from their closest friends to avoid being judged.

When Nick starts dating Julia in the first season, he doesn't bring her back to the loft because he doesn't want her to see her the same way his friends see him. He also doesn't want his friends to scare her off. Cece keeps certain facts about her life from Jess because she's afraid of how Jess will react; like the fact she once spent the holidays with an arms dealer.

8 They Rely On Schmidt And Jess To Take Care Of Them

One of the things that's evident early in the show is Jess and Schmidt have been taking care of Cece and Nick, respectively, since they met them. In their thirties, they're still doing it.

Whenever Cece has a problem, like not wanting to go back to her apartment because the guy she's seeing is seeing someone else, Jess is there. Nick only eats balanced meals because Schmidt cooks for him on a regular basis. If Cece and Nick didn't have Jess and Schmidt in their lives, they might have ended up in very different places.

7 Nick And Cece Are Argumentative

When it comes to being right, both Nick and Cece are determined. When they think they're in the right in a conversation, nothing will make them back down short of public embarrassment.

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This is probably one of the reasons the two don't interact much one-on-one in the early seasons of the show. They're both so convinced they're right that they'd spend an entire scene arguing with one another instead of moving the plot forward. Their attempt to work together to bring Ruth her peanut butter sandwich at preschool is indicative of that.

6 They're Street Smart Instead Of Book Smart

Nick uses a lot of the wrong terms, and Cece is terrible at geography. That's okay though because they both are much smarter than their friends in one area: reading people.

Nick, after all, is the one person in the loft who can tell their landlord is interested in Jess when she asks him to fix a few things. Cece is the first one to realize Nick is into Jess, as well. Nick also provides a lot of practical fixes around the loft that would otherwise be a hazard for his roommates, while Cece is able to manipulate people to help get what she wants. They might not be book smart, but they both are intelligent in plenty of other ways.

5 They Choose Unconventional Career Paths

When Cece attends an Indian singles event - and Jess and her roommates follow - she and Nick both wind up at the lowest ranked table in the room. That's because they're seen as unsuccessful by the metrics in place for the mixer.

Nick becomes a bartender after dropping out of law school, but it's not a dead end job for him. It's something he's so good at that he could (and eventually does) run the bar himself. He also eventually makes his dream of becoming a writer come true. Cece, on the other hand, pursues modeling starting in high school. She decides to follow through on it after a scout tells her she could make money based on her appearance. That decision creates a path for Cece to become a manager. They might take longer routes to figure out what they want to do, but the career paths suit their interests.

4 Nick And Cece Are Slobs

Schmidt is the kind of person who maintains an immaculate living space. Under his eye, the loft is always clean - but there are two exceptions. One of those exceptions is Nick's bedroom where he, among other things, does things like dry out meat in his closet. The other is when Cece moves in and never cleans up after herself.

RELATED: New Girl: 5 Ways Cece Grows (& 5 She Regresses)

Nick and Cece are definitely the messiest of the people who live in apartment 4D. That's why it's a little bit hilarious when Nick is the one to call Cece out on how messy she is after moving in.

3 They Both Get Under Schmidt's Skin

Despite Cece and Nick both caring about Schmidt, they also both love to get under his skin. It's an endless source of amusement for the two of them, though they go about it in different ways.

Cece first really starts needling Schmidt in "Thanksgiving." Cece agrees to help Schmidt in the kitchen, but then repeatedly does things to the food that gross him out, like putting her bare hands into the custard. Nick usually goes for more subtle methods, like setting up pranks that build over time. That might include shaving the heels down on Schmidt's shoes or removing pieces from his favorite chair.

2 They Intimidate People On Jess and Schmidt's Behalf

Nick and Cece both have protective sides. They don't take kindly to people they care about getting hurt by others. As soon as the audience meets them that's very clear.

Cece threatens Nick, Schmidt, and Coach with bodily harm if they hurt Jess when she initially moves in. That protective nature extends to Schmidt as she encourages him to stand up for himself before they ever get together. When he's meant to speak at his high school, but gets made fun of, it's Cece who takes to the stage to talk on his behalf - and yell at a few people. Likewise, Nick stands up for Jess pretty much immediately after meeting her. He even threatens her ex Spencer when they all go to his house to get Jess' belongings. That initial desire to protect Jess doesn't fade.

1 Nick And Cece Marry Their Best Friends

When Jess points out to Schmidt, Cece and Nick are essentially the same person, she fails to elaborate they're also attracted to the same type of person. If Schmidt is able to marry his best friend, then so is Cece.

Schmidt is creative and controlling and has a need to be right - just like Jess. Cece is already prepared to deal with a romance with someone as dramatic as Schmidt because of a lifetime of friendship with Jess. Nick has had Schmidt to take care of him for so long it's not that strange for Jess to step into that role a little bit, even after he's better capable of taking care of himself. Jess also becomes someone Nick can simply hang out with when Schmidt isn't around. Perhaps that's why all four of these friends find their way to each other.

NEXT: New Girl: 10 Scenes That Live Rent Free In Fans' Heads

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